Reading Plus Answers Level H

This selection is mainly about …


Answer: How luck can give a person

What does the author do to make …

 Answer: He says it was told to him by an honest

In this excerpt what does the banquet guest mean …

Answer: The guest felt inspired

What motivated the clergyman to help

 Answer: sympathy

This excerpt explains how … 

Answer: I could just barely have stood/I thought my hair

The clergyman felt guilty … 

Answer: Do something to show

What does this excerpt tell you …

 Answer: People mistook

At the end of the selection …


Answer: Why was the clergyman the only one to know

In this excerpt, the narrators tone … 

Answer: frusturated

Based on what you read, this selection

 Answer: uses sarcasm and ridicule

The selection is mainly… 

Answer: Beneficial bonds between…

How can you tell the nursing home…

 Answer: They have positioned themselves…

What does it mean when the author says… 

Answer: The dogs do the same thing…

Choose the sentence in this excerpt…


Answer: They too get great satisfaction…

A good therapy dog must be…

 Answer: Cool, calm, and collected.

Based on this selection, how do most…


Answer: Uplifted

Why does the author say a therapy animal…

 Answer: It can sense a dangerous…

What sense does the author…

 Answer: Touch.

Based on this selection, having a child…

 Answer: Composure and confidence


In which two ways are…

a – Service animals can perform…

b – Service animals undergo…

This selection is mainly about… 

Answer: Making an effort to stay healthy.

What was… acceptance…

 Answer: Physical stature..

MRSA is a serious infection because…


Answer: Only special…

Choose the two sentences… 

Answer: After the MRSA scare, since germs

In this selection… 

Answer: They are frequently…

Put these steps…

a – Students were educated

b – hand sanitizers

Students were made aware…

 Answer: Backpacks…

According to this selection… 

Answer: Cafeteria

What evidence…

 Answer: The number of student sick days.

Why does the author…

 Answer: To inject a humorous.

The selection was mainly…

 Answer: Achieving a career goal…

What first aroused Tonya’s interest…

 Answer: A crime-solving TV character…

How are the FBI agents… 

Answer: FBI agents investigate crime…

The author admires Tonya for her ability…

a – Tonya majored in Mandarin and Arabic…

b – Tonya got a job at the United Nations…

Put the initial four phases of becoming…

a – battery of written tests

b – personal interview

c – physical Fitness test

d – drug and background checks

What job did Tonya get… 

 Answer: Entry-experienced translator…

Which of the following shows the theme…

 Answer: Her determination to secure a …

What part does the polygraph…

 Answer: It confirms Tonya was not lying

What was the most important factor…

Answer: A. Her knowledge of foreign languages…

This selection is mainly about Bansky and…


Answer:  The controversy…

Choose the one sentence in this excerpt that best supports the author’s claim that Bansky is a famous and popular graffiti artist… 

Answer: If not…

It is ironic that… 

Answer: Has attracted more…

By attempting to conceal… 

Answer: Aimed to focus…

According to this excerpt, what are two important components…

Answer:  Repetitive… Comments

Why has the subject of…

Answer:  The rat imagine was first used…

Bansky’s main purpose for using stencils…

 Answer: To speed up the process…

Bansky’s graffiti during the London Olympics… 

Answer: Political…

What did some people mean when they…

Answer:  He abandoned his principles…

Based on this excerpt, how did Bansky counteract… 

Answer:  He used humor to mock himself…

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