When “Bill O’Reilly” Asked “Dr. Susan Van Etten” If She Had Ever Been To Alaska, He Engaged In A(N)

When “Bill O’Reilly” asked “Dr. Susan van Etten” if she had ever been to Alaska, he engaged in a(n)

Answer: When “Bill O’Reilly” asked “Dr. Susan van Etten” if she had ever been to Alaska, he engaged in a red herring.

Which of the following best typifies the meaning of the Sapir-Whorf hypothesis?

Answer:  Your language shapes your perception

Which of the following is a good example of a complementary relationship?

Answer:  She is shy, and hé likes to speak for both of them

When a speaker says “Omina show ya allah the things yer gonna be needin’ to buy,” the speaker is using

Answer:  poor articulation

Who is more likely to use touch as a means of communicating?

Answer:  black woman from Puerto Rico

Which of the following is the best example of concreteness?

Answer:  My hometown is Isle, Minnesota, population 409

Those cultures that rely heavily subtle nonverbal cues to convey meaning utilize which of the following orientations?

Answer:  High Context

The repetition of consonants, usually the first or last letter of a word, is known as

Answer:  alliteration

Which statement below is NOT an example of ethnocentrism?

Answer:  American workers get higher pay for less work than most people in the world

All of the following are examples of implicit-rule cultures except

Answer:  Western Europe

Which of the following examples best depicts the denotative meaning of a word?

Answer:  Abortion is the termination of a pregnancy in the first trimester.

If someone in a marginalized group tries to fit in with the dominant group, he or she is striving for this goal of co-cultural communication. Assimilation

Answer:  Assimilation

Which of the following is FALSE regarding our need for intercultural communication.

Answer:  Increases in technology are reducing the need for skills to communications interculturally with others

When “Bill O’Reilly” asked “Dr. Susan van Etten” if she had ever been to Alaska, he engaged in a(n)

Answer:  red herring

” Of those polled , 55 % indicated that they certainly would buy a gun ; another 20 % said they would strongly consider it. Clearly, gun ownership is right that needs to be protected.” This is an example of 

what type of fallacy?

Answer:  ad populum

An extrovert being friends with an introvert demonstrates what type of relationship?

Answer:  complementary

Who once said, in a celebration of English royalty, “Give three cheers for our queer old dean?”

Answer:  The Rev. William Spooner

“Mr. Young, I studied my notes and the chapters for 18 hours before taking this exam and all I got was a C. I deserve a higher grade.” This argument fails the standard of

Answer:  relevance

“Of course we cannot take seriously Senator Smith’s objections to affirmative action; his womanizing is well-known.” This is an example of what type of fallacy?

Answer:  ad hominem

Which is the best example of an advertising slogan designed to appeal to the self-actualization need?

Answer:  “Be all that you can be.”

“I say the Democratic Party leadership conspired to keep details of the Foley scandal quiet until right before the November election. Can you prove that they didn’t?” This is an example of what type of fallacy?

Answer:  begging the question

“It is a mistake to allow assisted suicide. That will just open the door to forced extermination of anyone society feels is too old or too sick” This is an example of what type of fallacy?

Answer:  hasty generalization

Commonly known as the “bandwagon” appeal, the argument that a policy is right merely by virtue of favorable public opinion support is known as what kind of argumentative fallacy

Answer:  O ad populum

When other members of a group admire and respect a person, that person has

Answer:  Referent power

The Amish in the United States use the in order to protect their way of life.

Answer:  separation goal

A good example of “corridor culture” would be

Answer:  the towns and industries that have sprung up along I – 4

Which situation invites an emergent leader?

Answer:  The company has just announced impending personnel reductions, and a small group of recently hired employees have gathered to discuss strategy

The army is what type of organization?

Answer:  Political

Which of the following is an implicit characteristic of group members?

Answer:  Personal artifacts

Which of the following statements about emotional labor is NOT true?

Answer:  Emotional labor can decrease job satisfaction

Messages between organizational members of the same power level are best described as:

Answer:  Horizontal

All of the following are needs fulfilled by primary groups EXCEPT

Answer:  Achievement

A non-profht hospital is what type of organization?

Answer:  Economic production

The ways in which groups of people both maintain structure and order through their symbolic interactions refers to Organizational communication

Answer:  Organizational communication

Which of the groups below may be classified as a secondary group?

Answer:  SGA Committee on Improving Campus Parking

During an interview for a waitress job, Mr. Mitchell (the interviewer) asks Kelly (the interviewee) if she is or has any children. This is a violation of

Answer:  Bona fide occupational qualifications

Don Draper holds over Conrad Hilton.

Answer:  expert power

Group problem solving is usually more effective

Answer:  when the process is systemic and organized

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