HR 105 Medical Terminology

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HR 105 Medical Terminology Chapter 10 assignment Word Division

Divide each term into all its word elements and give the meaning of each element (1 point per element). Example: hysterectomy – hyster=uterus, ectomy-surgical removal.

  1. atherosclerosis- ather= fatty, o= connecting vowel, scler= hardening, -osis= condition

  2. arteriorrhexis- arteri= artery, o= connecting vowel, rrhexis= rupture

  3. cardiomyopexy- cardi= heart, o= connecting vowel, my= muscle, o= connecting vowel, -pexy= surgical fixation

  4. bradycardia- brady= slow, cardi= heart, -a= without

  5. coronary- coron= heart, o= connecting vowel, -ary= pertaining to

  6. thrombophlebitis- thromb= clot, o= connecting vowel, phleb= vein, -itis= inflammation

  7. pericarditis- peri= around, card= heart, -itis= inflammation

  8. megalocardia- megal= large, o=connecting vowel, card= heart, -ia= condition of

  9. tomography- tom= to cut; section, o= connecting vowel, -graphy= process of recording

  10. ischemia- isch= restrain or suppression, -emia=blood condition (NOTE: isch/o is not in the book. Use your investigative skills.)

Word Building

Using only the word elements in the lists provided, create medical terms with the indicated meanings. (1 point per element)


Combining Forms




















vascul/o -pathy

card/o -pnea


  1. An excessive level of fats in the blood: Hyperlipidemia

  2. Disease of the heart muscles: Cardiomyopathy

  3. Inflammation of the inner lining of the heart: Endocarditis

  4. Diagnostic procedure using ultrasound waves passing through the heart: Echocardiography

  5. Pertaining to the heart and blood vessels: Cardiovascular

  6. The stopping of bleeding: Hemostasis

  7. Condition where breathing is only comfortable while sitting up: Orthopnea

  8. Pertaining to the motion of vessels: Vasculokinetic

  9. Condition of blue discoloration of the skin: Cyanosis

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