10 Digit Alphanumeric



Question: Technical Safeguards are used to protect information through the use of which of the following?

  1. Encryption

  2. 2. Authentication programs

  3. 3. Encryption and Authentication programs

  4. 4.None of the above

  5. Answer: 3. Encryption and Authentication

  6. Question:

  7. Answer: 3. Data encryption; Sign-on codes and passwords

  8. Question: In general, information about a patient can be shared ______

  9. 1. When it is directly related to treatment

  10. 2. Only when it is not related to treatment

  11. 3. Only when the patient authorizes it specifically

  12. 4. Only with other medical personnel

  13. Answer: 1. When it is directly related to treatment

  14. Question: The __________ is a unique ten-digit alphanumeric

  15. 1. Employer identification number

  16. 2. ICD-10-CM

  17. 3. National provider identifier (NPI)

  18. 4. ICDM-10-XB

  19. Answer: 3. National provider identifier (NPI)

  20. Question: The coming of computers in medicine has ______

  21. 1. Slowed down procedures

  22. 2. Made it harder to access records

  23. 3. Created new dangers for breach of confidentiality

  24. 4. Automatically made breach of confidentiality less likely

  25. Answer: 3. Created new dangers for breach of confidentiality

  26. Question: The privacy and data security portions of the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPPA) was passed ______

  27. 1. In 1996

  28. 2. In 2000

  29. 3. In April, 2003

  30. 4. In October, 2003

  31. Answer: 1. In 1996

  32. Question: Of the following types of conversations about patients, the one(s) that constitute(s) a violation of patient privacy is:

  33. 1. Conversations in public areas

  34. 2. Telephone conversations

  35. 3. Conversations at home with friends and family

  36. 4. All of the above

  37. Answer: 4. All of the above

  38. Question: Among the permitted disclosures that do not require patient permission are reporting:

  39. 1. Vital statistics

  40. 2. Communicable diseases

  41. 3. Adverse reactions to drugs or medical devices to the FDA

  42. 4. All of the above

  43. Answer: 4. All of the above

  44. Question: In a conversation, enough information to identify patients may be revealed, even if patient names are not used

  45. 1. true

  46. 2. false

  47. Answer: 1. True

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