10.3 Theory Of Natural Selection Answer Key

Question: What are two different things that influenced Darwin’s work?

Answer: The work of farmers and breeders and Artificial selection

Question: What is artificial selection?

Answer: The process by which humans change a species by breeding it for certain traits

Question: In order for Artificial Selection to occur…

Answer: The trait must be heritable

Question: What is heritability?

Answer: The ability of a trait to be inherited, or passed down from one generation to the next

Question: Darwin extended the ideas he gained from studying from artificial selection to what?

Answer: Natural Selection

Question: What is Natural Selection?

Answer: A mechanism by which individuals that have inherited beneficial adaptations produce more offspring on average than do other individuals

Question: What is the selective agent in natural selection?

Answer: The environment

Question: What four principles is natural selection based on?

Answer: Overproduction, Variation, Adaptation, and Descent with Modification

Question: What is overproduction?

Answer: Producing more offspring than are likely to survive

Question: What is variation?

Answer: The heritable differences that exist in every population

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