1.16 Unit Test Arguments And Speeches


Answer: Yes; Warren supports her point by noting that the Paycheck Fairness act was introduced “to give women the tools to combat wage discrimination.”




Answer: Yes, because the statistic directly supports Warren’s argument.


Answer: Women have waited long enough for wage equality. A:(“40 years later, we’re still debating equal pay for equal work”)

Wage inequity affects a woman’s future. A:(“Pay inequality also means a tougher retirement for women”)

The fight for pay equality has begun. A:(“Here in the Senate, Sen. Barbara Mikulski (D-Md.) introduced the Paycheck Fairness Act”)


Answer: People should receive equal pay for equal work.


Answer: Yes, because she presents multiple statistics that indicate a clear distinction between men’s and women’s earnings.


Answer: “Savages, and very primitive peoples generally, concern themselves only with superficial natural resources; with those which they obtain from the actual surface of the ground.”


Answer: To create meaningful resource policy, people must understand the types of resources.


Answer: to explain how, as civilizations develop, they use more natural resources


Answer: to persuade people to demonstrate good manners at all times

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