2.2 Lesson Practice Project Stem

Question: 2.1 Lesson Practice

__________ invented the Analytical Engine, a machine that did calculations.

Answer: Charles Babbage

Question: 2.1 Lesson Practice

___________ created the idea of a general Purpose Computing Machine.

Answer: Alan Turing

Question: 2.1 Lesson Practice

__________ created the earliest programmed machine.

Answer: Konrad Zuse

Question: 2.1 Lesson Practice

The __________ was the first all electronic computer.

Answer: ENIAC

Question: 2.1 Lesson Practice

In __________ the first computer ran a program from memory.

Answer: 1948

Question: 2.2 Lesson Practice

Which of the following correctly prints the following calculation if x is 17 and y is 5?

Sum is: 22

Answer: print (“Sum is: “ + str(x + y))

Question: 2.2 Lesson Practice

What is the symbol for exponent?


Question: 2.2 Lesson Practice

What is output?

a = 10

b = 23

print (a + b * a)

Answer: 240

Question: 2.2 Lesson Practice

Which of the following is NOT a correct variable assignment?

Answer: 5 + y = x

Question: 2.2 Lesson Practice

Which of the following correctly does the calculation 7^6?

Answer: a = 7 ** 6

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