2.2.1 Bothersome Bumps Answer Key

Question: Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI)

Answer: Technique that uses magnetic fields and radio waves to indirectly visualize soft tissues of the body.

Question: Differential Diagnosis

Answer: A list of potential diagnoses compiled early in the assessment of the patient.

Question: Eukaryotic Cells

Answer: Contain a nucleus and other organelles that are bound by membranes.

Question: Somatic Cell

Answer: Any of the cells of a plant or animal except the reproductive cells.

Question: Mitosis

Answer: Cell division in which the nucleus divides into nuclei containing the same number of chromosomes as the parent cells.

Question: DNA

Answer: A complex molecule containing the genetic information that makes up the chromosomes and functions in protein synthesis. Monomers of this molecule are nucleotides.

Question: Chromosomes

Answer: Threadlike structures made of DNA molecules tightly coiled around histones. Contain genes. Humans have 46 in their somatic cells, 23 in gametes.

Question: Gametes

Answer: A mature germ cell (sperm and egg) that is able to unite with another of the opposite sex in sexual reproduction to form a zygote.

Question: Homologous Chromosomes

Answer: Chromosome pairs, one from each parent, having similar gene composition, size and structure.

Question: Chromatids

Answer: Two identical chromosomes that split and contain the same genetic material.

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