2.3 2 Diabetic Emergency Answers

Question: Explain the role that exercise plays in maintaining healthy blood sugar levels.

Answer: While exercising the sugar in your cells decrease to maintain healthy blood sugar.

Question: Describe what happened to the model cell that was submerged in a low glucose solution for 20 minutes. Explain why this occurs.

Answer: The cells grow bigger because of osmosis to create a hypoglysimic solution.

Question: Explain why hospitals use saline solutions to hydrate patients instead of distilled water

Answer: Saline solution helps to keep blood sugar levels stable. distilled H2O would make the cells expand.

Question: How does preventing a diabetic emergency affect the day to day life of a diabetic? What special considerations do they have to make as they go about their day

Answer: They carry a juice box in case their blood sugar levels become low. They need to know what happens in their body.

Question: Explain how having an insulin pump may decrease the chance of a diabetic having a diabetic emergency.

Answer: It gives off the right amount of insulin to maintain healthy levels of glucose.

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