3 Grooming Tasks That Ralph Longs For

Question: Summary of the chapter

Answer: Ralph feels dirty. He wants to be rescued. They almost kill a pig and they reenact it. Simon goes back to the forest alone. The hunters (Jack, Ralph, Roger) find the parachute man and think it is the Beast.

Question: 3 grooming tasks the Ralph longs for

Answer: haircut, proper wash with soap, brush his teeth/cut his nails

Question: evidence of Simon’s empathy

Answer: When Simon talks to Ralph, he tells him that He’ll be rescued.

Question: How the boys have changed

Answer: dirty, long hair, They’ve lost weight, clothes are worn and dirty, Their bodies are briney

Question: “Why do you hate me?”

Answer: Quote about Ralph’s & Jack’s Leadership Battle

Question: What the boys think they see on the mountain (describe it)

Answer: A shadow of an ape-like creature who makes a chattering noise and moves slowly up and down, with a horrifying face.

Question: what they actually see

Answer: The decaying corpse of the parachute man, whose strings and fabric are tangled. When the wind blows, it causes the corpse to move up and down.

Question: It is an example of , because

Answer: dramatic Irony We, the readers, know more than the characters of the novel do about the situation.

Question: Who volunteers to run through the forest in the dark?

Answer: Simon

Question: making

Answer: Simon will die (you can go back, not we)

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