3 Things Piggy Says In Chapter 11

Question: Ralph

Answer: “No use”

Question: Piggy

Answer: “Course its no use, Ralph. Now we got no fire”

Question: “Can you see me?”

Answer: Ralph

Question: Ralph

Answer: “They’ve got our fire! They Stole it”

Question: “Thats them, they blinded me. See? Thats Jack Merridew. You call an assembly, Ralph, we got to decide what to do.”

Answer: Piggy

Question: “An assembly for only us?”

Answer: Ralph

Question: Piggy

Answer: “Its all we got. Sam-let me hold on to you”

Question: Piggy

Answer: “Blow the conch, Blow as loud as you can”

Question: Piggy

Answer: I just take the conch to say this. I cant see no more and I got to get my glasses back”

Question: Piggy

Answer: Awful things has been done on this island. I voted for you for chief. He’s the only one who ever got anything done. So now you speak, Ralph, and tell us what. Or else-”

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