360 Training Final Exam Answers

Question: People handle food that others eat. That means it is possible for people to contaminate food. People can contaminate food _______.



with unwashed hands

accidentally, deliberately, or with unwashed hands

Answer: accidentally, deliberately, or with unwashed hands

Question: You should wash your hands _______.

after cutting carrots, before cutting tomatoes

after putting clean dishes away

before putting on disposable gloves

before going to the bathroom

Answer: before putting on disposable gloves

Question: A cook who is doing a quality check on the serving lines by tasting sauces and sides must _______.

wash hands after tasting every item

use a clean spoon for each item

taste all items below 41°F first

always taste the oldest items first

Answer: use a clean spoon for each item


Answer: So they can be more easily be found should they fall into food.

Question: Which one of the following contaminants is a physical contaminant?





Answer: Hair

Question: How long should you wash your hands?

5 seconds

20 seconds

30 seconds

1 minute

Answer: 20 seconds

Question: Contamination of food items by other living organisms is known as:

Physical contamination

Biological contamination

Chemical contamination

All of the above

Answer: Biological contamination


Answer: Only managers should take food temperatures.

Question: What is the maximum number of hours that food can be held in the food danger zone?

1 hour

3 hours

4 hours

6 hours

Answer: 4 hours

Question: All foods can be measured on the pH scale to determine if they have the right amount of acidity to support bacteria growth. 7.0 on the scale is neutral. Where on the scale is the bacteria most likely to grow?

below 7.0

above 7.0

3.0 to 10.0


Answer: below 7.0

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