4 Disease Management Areas For Pkd Ati

Question: Acute Kidney Injury

Answer: Acute kidney injury sudden cessation of renal function that occurs when blood flow to the kidneys is significantly compromised

Question: Phases of Acute Kidney Injury


Question: Classes of AKI


Question: Risk Factors Prerenal acute kidney injury

Answer: Renal vascular obstruction, shock, sepsis, hypovolemia, use of aspirin, liver failure

Question: Risk Factors intrarenal acute kidney injury

Answer: trauma, renal artery or vein stenosis or thrombosis, acute nephrotoxins, contrast dye, blood transfusion reaction, infection acute glomerulonephritis

Question: Risk Factors postrenal acute kidney injury

Answer: stone, tumor, bladder atony, spinal cord disease or injury

Question: Expected Findings

Answer: fluid overload, dysrhythmia, decreased oxygenation, crackles, SOB, scant to normal or excessive urine output, lethargy, muscle twitching, dry skin and mucous membranes

Question: Nursing Care for Acute Kidney injury

Answer: -ID and assist with correcting the underlying

  • Monitor fluid weights

  • - Assess the urine for blood or particles

  • - Provide skin car to prevent injury (bathe wit hcool water, reposition frequently

  • Question: Chronic Kidney disease

  • Answer: CKD is progressive, irreversible kidney disease

  • - Client who has CKD can be asymptomatic except during periods of stress

  • - Older adult clients are at an increased risk for chronic number of functioning nephrons, decreased GFR

  • Question: Health Promotion and Disease prevention for CKD

  • Answer: Limit the use of OTC medications, use diet and exercise to manage and weight and prevent or control diabetes and hypertension

  • - Limit alcohol intake

  • - Drink at least 2 L of water daily. consult with the provider regarding any restrictions

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