Cold War Crossword Puzzle Answers

Question: Marshall Plan

Answer: The ___ plan provided aid to help rebuild the democracies of Europe after ww2.

Question: Perestroika

Answer: The term for economic reforms made by the Soviet Union in 1980s.

Question: Nikita Khrushchev

Answer: He succeeded Stalin as the leader of the Soviet Union.

Question: Containment

Answer: This US policy called for not allowing communism to spread.

Question: Rosenbergs

Answer: The ____ were a husband and wife executed for giving secrets to the soviets.

Question: NATO

Answer: The alliance of Democratic countries during the Cold War.

Question: Joseph McCarthy

Answer: The US senior who claimed there were communists in the US government.

Question: TET

Answer: The _____ Offensive was a supprise attack on the Vietcong in 1968.

Question: Hollywood

Answer: The "____ 10" were blacklisted from show-business for refusing to answer questions about communism.

Question: Lyndon B. Johnson

Answer: He became president when Kennedy was assassinated in 1963.

Question: Fidel Castro

Answer: Communist leader of Cuba.

Question: Warsaw Pact

Answer: Soviet-led alliance of communist nations during the Cold War.

Question: Brinkmanship

Answer: The Cuban missile crisis is the best example of this risky policy.

Question: Ho Chi Minh

Answer: Communist leader of North Vietnam

Question: Dwight D. Eisenhower

Answer: President who proposed a "massive retaliation" to any attack in 1954.

Question: Parallel

Answer: Korea has been divided at the 38th ____ since the Korean War.

Question: Berlin

Answer: America airlifted supplies into this German city during a crisis in 1954.

Question: Berlin Wall

Answer: This was built to keep Germans from fleeing into the Western part of the capital.

Question: Iron Curtain

Answer: Churchill coined this term for the imaginary division between east and west Europe.

Question: Glasnost

Answer: This was the Soviet policy of increased openness in the 1980s.

Question: John F. Kennedy

Answer: President who oversaw the cuban missile crisis and bay of pigs invasion.

Question: HUAC

Answer: This House of Representatives committee hunted for communists.

Question: Richard Nixon

Answer: The president who saw the end of the Vietnam war before resigning in scandal.

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