Nurture Most Nearly Means

Question: "Prestige" most nearly means? (status, assurance, skepticism, consideration)

Answer: status

Question: We will long remember our "perilous" journey? (lengthy, primitive, chaotic, hazardous)

Answer: hazardous

Question: "Inept" most nearly means? (selfish, silly, bungling, choosy, dull)

Answer: silly

Question: "Oppressive" most nearly means? (inaccurate, tyrannical, contrary, painful)

Answer: painful

Question: "Complexity" most nearly means? (majority, intricacy, entirety, simplicity)

Answer: intricacy

Question: "Nurture" most nearly means? (acquire, neglect, cultivate, regulate)

Answer: cultivate

Question: "Void" most nearly means? (uneven, empty, irregular, certain, firm)

Answer: empty

Question: "Fervently" most nearly means? (passionately, expectantly, fancifully, painfully)

Answer: passionately

Question: "Devout" most nearly means? (open, pious, loose, wicked)

Answer: pious

Question: "Erratically" most nearly means? (irregularly, outrageously, frightfully, incorrectly, suspiciously)

Answer: irregularly

Question: "Sustain" most nearly means? (cease, continue, tolerate, speculate)

Answer: tolerate

Question: They "consoled" each other after the accident. (vindicated, arraigned, esteemed, solaced)

Answer: solaced

Question: The cashier "negated" the charge on the item. (forgot, nullified, questioned, disputed)

Answer: nullified

Question: "Crass" most nearly means? (brief, crude, split, stubborn)

Answer: crude

Question: "Peruse" most nearly means? (study, begin, ferment, convince)

Answer: study

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