A Fixation Is Most Likely To Inhibit

Question: Which term refers to all the mental activities associated with thinking, knowing, remembering and communicating?

Answer: cognition

Question: By dividing broad concepts into increasingly smaller and detailed subgroupings, we create:

Answer: category hierarchies.

Question: An algorithm is a:

Answer: methodical step-by-step procedure for solving problems.

Question: The confirmation bias refers to the tendency to:

Answer: search for information that is consistent with our preconceptions.

Question: A fixation is most likely to inhibit:

Answer: creativity.

Question: The representativeness heuristic refers to our tendency to;

Answer: judge the likelihood of category membership by how closely an object or event resembles a particular prototype.

Question: The overconfidence phenomenon refers to the tendency to:

Answer: underestimate the extent to which our beliefs and judgments are invalid.

Question: The earliest stage of speech development is called the _______________ stage.

Answer: babbling

Question: At the age of 15 months, Anita repeatedly cries “hoy” when she wants her mother to hold her. Anita is most likely in the ______________ stage of language development.

Answer: one-word

Question: Telegraphic speech is most closely associated with the ______________ stage of language of development.

Answer: two-word

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