Place The Following Terms Or Examples With The Correct Category.

Question: Calcium homeostasis is maintained by two hormones: parathyroid hormone and __________.

Answer: calcitonin

Question: Drag each label into the proper position in order to identify the outcome of each condition on blood calcium.

Answer: Increases Blood Calcium-Osteoclastic activity-Calcitriol-Parathyroid hormone-Increased bone resorptionDecreases Blood Calcium-Osteoblastic activity-Increased use of sunblock-Calcitonin

Question: Place the following terms or examples within the correct category.

Answer: Hyaline Cartilage-Forms articular cartilage-Composes epiphyseal plates-Attaches to ribs of sternumFibrocartilage-Weight-bearing cartilage-Withstands compression-Forms intervertebral discs

Question: Once the epiphyseal plate fuses and forms an epiphyseal line, the long bone continues to grow in length, but at a slower rate.

Answer: FALSE

Question: Indicate if the listed hormone increases or decreases blood calcium levels.

Answer: 1. Parathyroid hormone Increases2. Calcitonin Decreases

Question: The shaft of a long bone is called the __________, while the expanded, knobby region at each end is called the __________.

Answer: diaphysis; epiphysis.

Question: The type of bone that contains no osteons, but consists of trabeculae composed of parallel lamellae is __________ bone.

Answer: spongy

Question: Lack of sunlight will directly affect the formation of

Answer: Vitamin D3 (cholecalciferol).

Question: Mechanical stress applied to bone __________ osteoblast activity in bone tissue, and the removal of mechanical stress __________ osteoblast activity.

Answer: increases; decreases

Question: Place the following terms or examples within the correct category.

Answer: Build/Retain Bone Mass-Weightlifting -Walking-Gravitational forcesWeaken/Reduce Bone Mass-Sitting-A sedentary lifestyle-Astronauts in space-Limb immobilization

Question: In the epiphyseal plate, the microscopic zone in which chondrocytes undergo rapid cell division and become aligned into longitudinal columns of flattened lacunae is called the

Answer: zone of proliferating cartilage.

Question: Compact bone is found on the internal surfaces of spongy bone, often lining the marrow cavities.

Answer: FALSE

Question: Match the type of ossification with its brief description.

Answer: Intramembranous Ossification-Ossification that develops from the mesenchymeEndochondral Ossification-Begins with a hylain cartilage model

Question: A flat bone of the skull is produced by ___________ ossification.

Answer: intramembranous

Question: Appositional growth requires

Answer: deposition of external circumferential lamellae.

Question: What is the role of nerves that supply a bone?

Answer: Detect injuries in the bone

Question: Indicate whether each statement is true or false.

Answer: 1. Bone, cartilage, and ligaments all are components of the skeletal system that help with support-.true2. Bone encloses and protects many of the soft organs of the body such as the heart, brain, and spinal cord.-true3. Many bones contain yellow bone marrow that gives rise to blood cells and platelets.-false4. Skeletal muscles attach to bones by ligaments and contraction of these muscles allows for movement of the bones.-false

Question: Compact bone is found on the internal surfaces of spongy bone, often lining the marrow cavities

Answer: FALSE

Question: Articular cartilage, found on the ends of long bones, consists of

Answer: Hyaline cartilage

Question: During the healing of a bone fracture, a hard callus is formed by

Answer: Osteoblasts

Question: ______________ is(are) found in compact bone, but not spongy bone.

Answer: Central canals

Question: Parathyroid hormone is released in response to elevated blood calcium levels, and will help the body return to homeostasis.

Answer: FALSE

Question: The medullary cavity of a flat bone contains red or yellow bone marrow.

Answer: FALSE

Question: Put the steps of bone repair in the correct order.

Answer: Correct: 5Woven bone is replaced by compact boneCorrect: 4Fibers and cartilage of the calluses are replaced by spongy boneCorrect: 1When the bone is fractured, damage occurs to blood vessels and the periosteumCorrect: 3An internal callus forms between the ends of the bones and an external callus forms a collar around the breakCorrect: 2A localized mass of blood called a hematoma is formed

Question: Place the following terms or examples within the correct category.

Answer: Hyaline Cartilage-Forms articular cartilage-Composes epiphyseal plate-Attaches ribs to sternumFibrocartilage-Weight-bearing cartilage-Withstands compression-Forms intervertebral discs

Question: The secondary ossification center in a long bone is located in the

Answer: epiphysis.

Question: Bone cells that become surrounded by bone matrix and are located in cavities called lacunae are

Answer: osteocytes.

Question: Match each hormone with its effect on the skeletal system

Answer: Calcitonin-Encourages calcium deposition into boneParathyroid Hormone-Stimulates osteoclasts to reabsorb bone and increase blood calciumThyroid Hormone-Influences the basal metabolic rate of borne cells

Question: Drag each label into the proper position to identify the type of bone described.

Answer: Compact bone-Made up of osteons-Also called cortical bone-Visible obvious central canalsSpongy bone-Composed of trabeclae-Convey strength with light weight-Spicules are common-Found in greater proportions of flat bones

Question: Match the part of a long bone with its description.

Answer: Medullary Cavity-Hollow, cylindrical space within diaphysis-Contains bone marrowMetaphysis-Contains growth plate-Region between diaphysis and epiphysisEndosteum-Layer of cells that covers all internal surfaces of the bone Periosteum-Dense irregular connective tissue covering the outer surface of bone

Question: Calcium homeostasis is maintained by two hormones: parathyroid hormone and __________.

Answer: Calcitonin

Question: When kicking a ball forward, the knee is

Answer: extended

Question: Symphyses are slightly mobile joints where the articulating bones contain a pad of _________ between them.

Answer: fibrocartilage

Question: If the humerus is pivoting on its own longitudinal axis, it is exhibiting

Answer: Rotation

Question: When making a fist, the fingers are

Answer: Flexed

Question: From a relaxed, standing position, as you bring your arms up laterally so that they are straight out from your sides to stretch in the morning, the motion of the arms is called ____________. When you put your arms straight back down to your sides and then reach both hands up to rub your eyes, the motion that results at the elbow joint is called __________.

Answer: abduction; flexion

Question: An arthritic joint contains damage to the hyaline cartilage covering the articulating bones. In other words, the ________ has been damaged.

Answer: Articular cartilage

Question: Which action describes turning the sole of the foot medially, as in checking the bottom of a shoe for gum?

Answer: Inversion

Question: A place where a bone contacts another bone is called a joint or a(n) ______________.

Answer: Articulation

Question: The knee joint performs primarily flexion and extension, so it is classified as a __________ joint.

Answer: Hinge

Question: Which of the following fibrous joints allows for slight movement, and the articulating bones are joined by long strands of dense regular connective tissue?

Answer: Syndesmosis

Question: Which of the following joints is the least stable?

Answer: Glenohumeral (shoulder) joint

Question: Synovial fluid is found

Answer: within the synovial cavity.

Question: When the anterior surface of the arm is turned toward the body, this is an example of

Answer: medial rotation.

Question: Drag each label into the proper position to identify whether the indicated structure is located on the femur, humerus, or both.

Answer: Humerus-Lesser tubercle-Olecranon fossa-TrochleaBoth-Lateral epichondyle-Neck-HeadFemur-Greater trochanter-Intercondyler fossa

Question: Symphyses can be found in the

Answer: Intervertebral discs

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