A Pcp Might Use Social Media

Question: Listening with a "third ear" means to listen with your ears and your eyes.

Answer: TRUE

Question: Therapeutic communication involves both professional ___________ and skills.

Answer: technical

Question: Finger tapping commonly indicates indifference.

Answer: FALSE

Question: One characteristic of empathy is that it

Answer: identifies with the client and feels what he or she is feeling

Question: An individual from which culture is most likely to visit a TCM practitioner?

Answer: American Indian

Question: A PCP might use social media to remind everyone to get a flu shot.

Answer: TRUE

Question: Rubbing the nose usually indicates deception.

Answer: FALSE

Question: Perceptions are unconscious insights or intuitions

Answer: FALSE

Question: Folk medicines do not cause harmful or dangerous effects.

Answer: FALSE

Question: Therapeutic touch in the use of treatment of illness is based on the premise that illness occurs when a person's energy field is out of balance.

Answer: TRUE

Question: Which type of practitioner is likely to use moxibustion as a treatment option?

Answer: TCM

Question: A PCP might use social media to report laboratory results to a patient.

Answer: FALSE

Question: Which type of practitioner is most likely to believe that the mind and body are equally significant medically?

Answer: naturopath (ND)

Question: Which culture embraces Confucian principles of mind control over the body?

Answer: East Asian

Question: How do insurers gain when elients opt for CAM?

Answer: The insurance company pays out less dollars and creates more profit.

Question: Becoming skilled in professional interactions requires

Answer: caring about the client

Question: Culture has a greater effect on the attitudes relating to medical treatment and therapeutic communication than race and physical characteristics

Answer: TRUE

Question: In Western culture, 4 to 12 feet is considered public space whereas personal space is 1 to 4 feet.

Answer: FALSE

Question: Effective team communication is

Answer: built on trust

Question: Naturopathic doctors are currently licensed in all 50 states.

Answer: FALSE

Question: Personal space refers to

Answer: the distance at which we are comfortable with others

Question: For which condition is therapeutic touch most appropriate?

Answer: Chronic pain

Question: Many clients turm to CAM because they believe their PCP is more interested in providing a "quick fix" for an ailment than in spending time getting to the root of problems

Answer: TRUE

Question: Which characteristic is NOT typical of a person who uses CAM?

Answer: Communicative about CAM with their PCP

Question: One of the greatest barriers to listening occurs when receivers misinterpret the messoge.

Answer: FALSE

Question: Racism implies

Answer: discrimination

Question: Both Western medicine and CAM practices are based on scientific knowledge and research.

Answer: FALSE

Question: Alternative, complementary, or integrative medicine are all similor in education, training, and licensure requirements

Answer: FALSE

Question: Decodes

Answer: Receiver

Question: Encodes

Answer: Sender

Question: Verify perceptions

Answer: Feedback

Question: Does not include unnecessary information

Answer: Conciseness

Question: Content of the communication

Answer: Messages

Question: Logical and in order

Answer: Cohesivenesse

Question: Group of gestures, facial expressions, postures

Answer: Clustering

Question: Consistent with one another

Answer: Congruency

Question: Alternative health care is usually covered by most insurance plans.

Answer: FALSE

Question: The primary sensory skill involved in verbal communication is

Answer: listening

Question: The Americans with Disabilities Act requires that health care facilities bill the client for provision of effective communication alternatives.

Answer: FALSE

Question: Which culture is NOT strongly influenced by folk medicine.?

Answer: Jewish

Question: believes all illness and suffering is illusory

Answer: Christian Science

Question: includes principles of mind control over the body and maintaining a balance between natural forces

Answer: Confucianism

Question: believes in reincarnation and prescribes a vegetarian diet

Answer: Buddhism

Question: avoids discussion of taboo subjects such as mental illness, contraception, and hospice care

Answer: Islam

Question: requires Kosher food and prohibits consumption of pork; considers the Sabbath as a day of rest

Answer: Judaism

Question: Persons from Asian cultures have a high acceptance of Westerm medicine, relying on pharmaceutical products and surgical procedures to treat illness and disease.

Answer: FALSE

Question: Homeopathy can be used to treat an asthma attack

Answer: FALSE

Question: What percentage of communication accounts for what is actually being said?

Answer: 0.07

Question: Homeopathy practitioners are licensed in ______states.

Answer: c. 3

Question: Western medicine is based on the premise that

Answer: disease results from bacterial and viral attack on the body

Question: Which of the following is NOT considered a barrier to multicultural therapeutic communication?

Answer: the Internet

Question: A low-context communication style refers to one that

Answer: utilizes few environmental idioms

Question: In order to have positive self-acceptance, we must have

Answer: congruency among our three selves

Question: Stereotyping refers to the

Answer: belief that all people or things with a particular characteristic are the same

Question: Low-context communication is "in your face."

Answer: TRUE

Question: The goals of effective listening include all of the following EXCEPT

Answer: hearing clients accurately

Question: The Ayurvedie practice of medicine comes from ancient China.

Answer: FALSE

Question: Self-assessment helps us determine who we are as seen by ourselves and by others.

Answer: TRUE

Question: A medical interpreter is most useful during the consent process.

Answer: TRUE

Question: Bias is the belief that one's own culture and traditions are better than those of another.

Answer: FALSE

Question: Therapies based on the belief that the mind and body are equally significant medically

Answer: Mind body therapies

Question: An ancient modality referring to the five elements of fire, carth, metal, water, and wood

Answer: Traditional Chinese medicine (TCM)

Question: Based on the belief that if there is a balance and harmony of body, mind, and spirit, then health and the absence of disease will follow

Answer: Ayurveda

Question: Belief that disease results from bacterial and viral attack on the body

Answer: Westerm medicine

Question: A belief that healing take place when miniscule mounts of certain substances are able to leave an imprint in the body, stimulate the immune system and help facilitate a cure

Answer: Homeopathy

Question: Based on "natural" and nontoxic medicine, nutritional supplements, and physical modifications in breathing and posture

Answer: Naturopathy

Question: The following statement is moralizing/lecturing.

Answer: "You really ought to have done it this way."

Question: For adolescents, which of the following statements is true?

Answer: a, Set limits that are fair and consistent.

Question: In caring for the adult client, it is important to

Answer: a recognize the stress caused by accidents or serious illness b. ask what is happening in their lives c, use therapeutic communication to get to know them a, b, and c

Question: Your personal appearance and the appearance of the medical office are vital keys in the helping interview.

Answer: TRUE

Question: In levels of need, if the client seems panicked, it means that the

Answer: client does not listen

Question: It is important to give rewards to adolescents.

Answer: FALSE

Question: "So you think milk and cheese cause gas for you?"

Answer: Reflecting and paraphrasing

Question: "Your hands are shaking."

Answer: Sharing observation

Question: Exhaustion in the stress cycle is when

Answer: the blood vessels dilate and contract for repeated periods of time ca person stays in the fight-or-flight stage too long

Question: In the helping interview, the person needing help (vs. the person giving help) feels

Answer: frightened/embarrassed and sad/angry

Question: Which age group has a more difficult time adjusting to illness and disease?

Answer: children

Question: The clients says, "I cannot control my disease!" The health professional responds, "How is your mother doing? This is an example of what roadblock?

Answer: Shifting

Question: When health professionals care for children, it is best to

Answer: offer a choice only when you know the decision will be the correct one

Question: Control is a critical factor in the helping interview. Even using patient or client implies superior/inferior, higher/lower, more-knowledge/less-knowledge.

Answer: TRUE

Question: Adolescents experience a loss of self-identity and feelings of belonging-more than any other age level.

Answer: FALSE

Question: The following is a closed question.

Answer: When you move your foot, does it hurt?"

Question: Statement(s) that is/are a roadblock(s) to communication include(s)

Answer: all of the above Patting the client on the arm saying, "Everything will be OK after the doctor sees you." "You couldn't be sweating that muchr "Why did you do that to your daughter?" "If I were you, I'd just forget about the death of your spouse if it's so painful."

Question: When meeting clients for the first time, it is best to address them informally by their first names to lessen their anxiety.

Answer: FALSE

Question: Younger adults may actually be living in an extended psychological adolescent period.

Answer: TRUE

Question: The primary concern for adolescents coming into the medical clinic is

Answer: a. ea, how this medical procedure will affect their appearance or level of activity

Question: The alarm stage of stress is

Answer: designed to sound a warning when something is perceived to create stress

Question: In caring for elderly odults, health professionals need to understand their own feelings toward aging parents or growing older themselves.

Answer: TRUE

Question: Theory that the body's internal mlieu changes constantly to meet the daily demands of life

Answer: Claude Bernard

Question: Theory is named General Adaptation Syndromes

Answer: Hans Selye

Question: Theory that the body adjusts when change threatens to be too great

Answer: Walter B. Cannon

Question: The orientation component of the helping Interview involves

Answer: more risk for the client than the health professional

Question: A numbed or dazed condition

Answer: g Shock

Question: No easy solution

Answer: Predicament

Question: Has a solution

Answer: Problem

Question: A state of fear

Answer: Panic

Question: Defense mechanisms are

Answer: used to protect the ego from guilt, andety, or loss of esteem

Question: In the stress cycle when the parasympathetic nervous system becomes active, the following occurs.

Answer: The body returns to normal. The gastrointestinal and genitourinary tracts begin to function

Question: Stressors are

Answer: internal perceptions or external events causing the body to respond

Question: This Individual used moral dilemmas to determine which stage of moral reasoning a person uses.

Answer: Kohiberg

Question: During the orientation phase of the helping interview, it is best for the client to be standing when the health professional is seated.

Answer: FALSE

Question: The mind's way of justifying behavior by offering an explanation other than a truthful response

Answer: Rationalization

Question: Shifting the emotional element of a situation from a threatening object to a nonthreatening one

Answer: Displacement

Question: Unconscious refusal to acknowiedge painful realities, feelings, or expressions

Answer: Denial

Question: Consciously or unconsciously overemphasuing a characteristic to compensate for a real or imagined deficiency

Answer: Compensation

Question: Redirecting a socially unacceptable impulse into socially acceptable behavior

Answer: Sublimation

Question: An attempt to go back to an earlier stage of development

Answer: Regression

Question: Attributing ones own thoughts or impulses to another individual as if they had originated with the other person

Answer: Projection

Question: For the elderly, it is important to

Answer: allow extra time to compensate for their physiological changes c. help them remain independent as long as possible

Question: Men react to stress in the following way(s)

Answer: become physically or verbally aggressive

Question: During the fight-or-flight stage of stress, clients may react in the following way(s).

Answer: blood vessels in the skin constrict b. blood vessels in the heart and brain dilate c. may become angry and frostrated

Question: Very rapid growth and development occurs in which age group?

Answer: infants

Question: Fear and anxiety are reactions to known and usually external threats.

Answer: FALSE

Question: In the helping interview, genuineness means that there will be congruency between the verbal and nonverbal messages.

Answer: TRUE

Question: "Tell me about a typical day with your baby is an example of an indirect statement.

Answer: TRUE

Question: Physically, adult clients are quite healthy

Answer: TRUE

Question: Most suicides occur without warning

Answer: FALSE

Question: When a client is dying. health care professionals should

Answer: a be careful not to impose their own cultural values on their clients

Question: Clients with life-altering diseases get angry with themselves rather than project their anger to others.

Answer: FALSE

Question: Federal law mandates that all medical facilities must inform their clients of the Patient Self-Determination Act.

Answer: FALSE

Question: Rape is a sexual act and one of violence.

Answer: FALSE

Question: Children who have been physically abused may exhibit aggressive behavior and regress to an earlier stage of development.

Answer: TRUE

Question: A type of major depression also known as manic- depressive disorders

Answer: Bipolar disorder

Question: A subtype of major depression in which clients hear voices or experience strange and illogical ideas

Answer: Psychotic depression

Question: Also known as an adjustment disorder with depressed mood

Answer: Reactive depression

Question: A lesser form of clinical depression

Answer: Minor depression

Question: Depression caused by decreased sunlight

Answer: Major depressive disorder with seasonal pattern disorder

Question: A severe form of "baby blues" lasting anywhere from 3 months to 1 year

Answer: Major depression disorder with peripartum onset

Question: Chronic, low-level depression that may continue for years ; previously known as dysthymic disorder

Answer: Persistent depressive disorder

Question: After individuals go through medical detoxification, they will no longer need treatment.

Answer: FALSE

Question: Dr. Elisabeth Kübler-Ross learned through her research that there is a logical order to the stages a person experiences when dying

Answer: FALSE

Question: What type of depression is associated with risky behaviors, suicidal thoughts, or psychotic symptoms such as delusions, hallucinations, and disorganized thinking?

Answer: Bipolar disorder

Question: Research has shown that _________ is a significant factor worsening the health of individuals addicted to a substance.

Answer: having no medical insurance

Question: Professional health care employees who work with chronically ill clients or those who have life-threatening ilinesses should always keep their emotions distant from their clients

Answer: FALSE

Question: A diagnosis of minor depression involves having depressed mood and/or loss of interest in things normally enjoyed for at least

Answer: ob. two weeks lasting most of the day and occurring nearly every day

Question: An example of a drug used recreationally that has no medical use is

Answer: mescaline

Question: Alcohol

Answer: produces a temporary feeling of well-being

Question: Addiction is defined as

Answer: physiological or psychological dependence on a substance that is beyond voluntary control

Question: As health professionals, it is unrealistic to continue with clients who fail or drop out of treatment.

Answer: FALSE

Question: The basic personality of clients with life-altering illnesses may be changed significantly, depending on their psychological experiences.

Answer: TRUE

Question: The vicious cycle that addicted individuals go through begins with excessive use of a drug, followed by disapproval, self-recrimination, guilt, rationalization and denial, and continued use of a drug. Selected Answer:

Answer: TRUE

Question: In reporting and documenting IPV, health professionals need to

Answer: bag, label, safely preserve, and protect any evidence collected

Question: When clients provide an advanced directive that specifies that no heroic measures be used, the professional should

Answer: honor the directive and respect the clients wishes as much as possible

Question: It is easier for clients to work through their grief when the relationship has already experienced conflict and ambivalence.

Answer: FALSE

Question: An angry client is most likely to

Answer: use profanity

Question: Chronic illness that has progressed to the stage when death is the inevitable result

Answer: O d. Life-threatening illness

Question: Illness that affects or limits the quality of life of an individual, and creates feelings of powerlessness and lack of control

Answer: Life-altering illness

Question: Ilness that is considered an inconvenience and does not normally result in life charges

Answer: Acute illness

Question: Ilness in which symptoms linger over period of time, gradually debilitating the elient

Answer: Chronic illness

Question: Anticipatory grief simplifies the grieving process later.

Answer: TRUE

Question: It has been said that the greatest grief comes from the loss of a(n)

Answer: child

Question: If conflict escalates beyond the angry state, clients may become aggressive and/or verbally abusive.

Answer: TRUE

Question: Dr. George L. Engel identified which process or stage of working through grief?

Answer: experiencing disbelief and shock over the loss

Question: Dr. George L. Engel identified which process or stage of working through grief?

Answer: experiencing disbelief and shock over the loss

Question: There are three major tests used to diagnosis depression.

Answer: FALSE

Question: Major depression

Answer: makes normal day-to-day activities difficult

Question: Which condition is NOT a subtype of depression?

Answer: suicidal depression

Question: Health professionals must strive for an unbiased approach and see their role as one of helping clients choose recovery.

Answer: TRUE

Question: Hospice is used for clients who are in the final stages of their life-threatening illness to

Answer: provide palliative care and supportive services

Question: Inhalants are unstable and unpredictable chemical substances found in household items.

Answer: TRUE

Question: All 50 states mandate the reporting of IPV.

Answer: FALSE

Question: Child abuse is more underreported than the abuse of older adults.

Answer: FALSE

Question: Substance dependence leads to significant impairment manifested, in part, by

Answer: characteristic withdrawal for the substance or the consumption of a closely related substance

Question: Chronic illnesses

Answer: have a significant impact on clients' lives

Question: Persistent depressive disorder previously known as dysthymia is a less severe form of minor depression.

Answer: TRUE

Question: If you find yourself feeling hostile towards your clients, what should you do?

Answer: Examine your feelings and discuss them with someone who can help.

Question: Clients with life-threatening illnesses

Answer: fear the symptoms of the illness more than death itself

Question: Men are nearly twice as likely to experience depression as women.

Answer: FALSE

Question: Individuals who receive news that their illness is life-threatening

Answer: realize that death may be imminent

Question: Initially, a client processing a serious diagnosis is likely to feel

Answer: anger

Question: Examples of acute illnesses include arthritis and fibromyalgia

Answer: FALSE

Question: Older adults are more successful in suicide attempts than are younger people.

Answer: TRUE

Question: Palliative care

Answer: relieves or alleviates symptoms without curing

Question: Substance abuse and addiction are referred to as Ssubstance abuse disorders.

Answer: FALSE

Question: Of the following, probably the most significant loss grieved by clients with life-altering illness is their

Answer: lifestyle

Question: Health professionals should try to communicate acceptance of the abuser's feelings and the violent act.

Answer: FALSE

Question: Substance abuse manifests impairment by

Answer: recurrent use that results in failure to fulfill major obligations at work, school, and/or home

Question: Annoyance is a chronic form of anger that is long lasting.

Answer: FALSE

Question: Of the more than 4.5 million Americans with Alzheimer's disease, half may show aggressive behaviors.

Answer: TRUE

Question: Nicotine use is

Answer: a chronic and relapsing addiction that often results in serious illness

Question: Bipolar I disorder is classified as experiencing

Answer: at least one manic episode with or without previous episodes of depression

Question: Individuals begin a plan to carry out the suicide

Answer: Stage #4 of suicide

Question: Individuals experience frustration, anger that turns inward, and hostility

Answer: Stage #1 of suicide

Question: Individuals communicate their helplessness to someone else

Answer: c Stage #3 of suicide

Question: Individuals' stress levels become unbearable and they panic

Answer: Stage #2 of suicide

Question: A person's oge will in part determine how one reacts to grief.

Answer: TRUE

Question: The use of the term life-threatening allows for a place for hope and empowers a person to a higher degree of control over their grief and dying.

Answer: TRUE

Question: Behavior is brought on by frustration, obstacles, or offensive situations

Answer: Anger

Question: Behavior occurs when there is out-of-control frustration

Answer: Aggression

Question: Hostility directed toward someone or something other than the cause of the frustration

Answer: Displacement

Question: Intense anger directed toward a particular person or people

Answer: Hatred

Question: Behavior that is violent and there is intent to do harm

Answer: b, Abuse

Question: Which stage of grief is NOT one identified by Dr. Elisabeth Kübler- Ross?

Answer: feelings of guilt, anger, and frustration upon realization that the loss did occur

Question: How can health professionals help clients who have a life-threatening illness and/or are dying?

Answer: Take care of themselves so they can help their clients

Question: Bullying can lead to depression and increases the risk of suicide in children and adolescents,

Answer: TRUE

Question: Appropriate therapeutic responses to angry, aggressive, or abusive clients include

Answer: objectivity

Question: Medications prescribed for terminally ill clients usually include

Answer: antidepressants

Question: As health care professionals it is appropriate to moralize and scold clients for their behavior as long as it is done gently and with compassion.

Answer: FALSE

Question: Calling in sick for an alcoholic spouse who is hung over is an example of codependency.

Answer: TRUE

Question: According to the NIMH, 20-25% of the U.S. adult population may experience a major depressive episode during their lifetime.

Answer: TRUE

Question: Unresolved grief can cause

Answer: stress-related medical diseases

Question: The latter phase of a life-altering illness is call life-threatening

Answer: TRUE

Question: Which statement about major depressive disorder with seasonal pattern disorder is true?

Answer: The treatment of choice for major depressive disorder with seasonal pattern disorder is light therapy or phototherapy.

Question: An experienced health professional can move a dying client out of denial.

Answer: FALSE

Question: Oregon's law addressing those who are dying

Answer: is an assisted death law

Question: Individuals with an addiction

Answer: who follow a 12-step program and are active in AA/NA meetings have a 50% greater chance at success in recovery

Question: As individuals continue to drink alcobol, there is an increase in their ability to tolerate alcohol

Answer: TRUE

Question: Individuals who have been abused typically have few defense mechanisms for coping with anxiety and stress.

Answer: TRUE

Question: About half of the adults who are depressed believe their depression is a personal weakness and are too embarrassed to seek help.

Answer: TRUE

Question: The majority of acute illnesses do not result in life changes.

Answer: TRUE

Question: A rape kit commonly includes materials for collecting all of the following EXCEPT:

Answer: fingerprints

Question: Have a fascination and fear about dying

Answer: Adolescents

Question: Believe that death is reversible

Answer: e 3- to 5-year-old children

Question: Perceived as needing the support of others to deal with death

Answer: Women

Question: Sense that loss poses a threat to their pattern of living

Answer: Adults

Question: Fear the loss of independence

Answer: Older adults

Question: Are very curious about death and want to plan their own rituals

Answer: d. 6- to 10-year-old children

Question: Know that there is a loss only if they are not fed, clothed, and loved

Answer: Infants

Question: When clients are dying, health professionals should allow families to make decisions whenever possible.

Answer: FALSE

Question: Hope should always be maintained with clients who have life-altering illnesses.

Answer: TRUE

Question: Used medically to treat pain, curb nausea, vomiting, suppress cough reflex

Answer: Opioids

Question: Used medically in the treatment of certain stress disorders, relief of insomnia and pain

Answer: Sedatives

Question: Causes mood changes, delusions, increases levels of vital signs

Answer: Hallucinogens

Question: A drug recognized by the DEA as a drug with little or no benefit and high potential for abuse

Answer: Marijuana

Question: A drug used medically as an anesthetic to deaden a local area

Answer: Cocaine

Question: A drug used medically to treat short-term fatigue, depression, and narcolepsy

Answer: Amphetamines

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