Cellular Respiration Concept Map Answers

Question: Begins with the molecule...

Answer: Glucose/Sugar

Question: Which is broken down during...

Answer: Glycolysis

Question: Glycolysis-Other energy carriers

Answer: cytoplasm

Question: Glycolysis-Net gain of...

Answer: 2 ATP

Question: Glycolysis-Producing...

Answer: 2 pyruvates

Question: 2 pyruvates-Occurs if oxygen is not present...

Answer: anaerobic respiration

Question: One example is...

Answer: Lactic acid fermentation

Question: Which produces...

Answer: Lactic acid

Question: 2 pyruvates-Occurs if oxygen is present

Answer: aerobic respiration

Question: Begins with the formation of...

Answer: Acetyl CoA

Question: Followed by the main phase...

Answer: Kerb's Cycle (citric cycle)

Question: Kerb's cycle-Which occurs in the...

Answer: mitochondrion

Question: Kerb's cycle-Which produces energy carriers called...

Answer: NADH, CO2, and FADH (enzymes)

Question: NADH-Used during the...

Answer: Electron transport chain

Question: To make...

Answer: 32 ATPs

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