Define Back Channel Cues List 3 Examples Of Backchannel Cues

Question: Oftentimes, our physical environment is extension of our personalityb.unrelated to what and how we communicatec.determined by factors outside our controld.difficult to describe

Answer: a

Question: How can physical environment affect behavior? Give at least 2 examples to support your response.

Answer: Physical environment can influence how we communicate and what we communicate. We are more likely to communicate in comfortable environments. In unfamiliar physical environments we may behave differently than in places we are familiar with and comfortable. For example, talking in a telephone to a particular person may be different than when you speak directly to that person. Another example is if you're in unfamiliar physical environments, such as a public place or school, you may behave differently than in places you are familiar with and comfortable, such as your home.

Question: In this picture, touch is reinforcing which message or messages?I. Congratulations!II.What just happened?III. Great Job!IV. I am so excited!a.I and IVb.I, II, IIIc.II, IVd.I, III and IV

Answer: d

Question: "Could you please step back, you are making me uncomfortable."This statement illustrates a person's desire for ______________.a.territoryb.physical environmentc.personal spaced.touch

Answer: c

Question: Define back-channel cues. List 3 examples of backchannel cues.

Answer: Back-channel cues are vocalized, reactive responses used to signal understanding, agreement, contradiction or empathy. For example, "Uh-huh, oh!," "huh," "hmmmm," "shhh..."

Question: Describe a situation in which a person's voice would communicate emotion.

Answer: If they had just lost a loved one and they were talking to you about it, you would probably hear emotion in their voice.

Question: Define and give an example of territoriality.

Answer: Territoriality is attachment to or protection of territory. Putting a lock on a door is an example of territoriality.

Question: When asking a question, how does a person's voice change?a.A person will often increase volume when asking a question.b.A person will often change the pitch of their voice when asking a question.c.A person's voice does not usually change when asking questions.d.A person is likely to lower their volume when asking a question.

Answer: b

Question: What are touch ethics? What factors typically influence a person's touch ethic?

Answer: Touch ethics are the guidelines individuals have for how much, what type and when touching is appropriate. Many factors including culture and background experiences influence a person's touch ethic.

Question: In this picture, what messages are communicated through touch?

Answer: The messages include: comfort, kindness, support, love, friendship

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