Gonorrhea Sketchy

Question: Mac Flirting with someone at the bar

Answer: Sexually transmitted infection

Question: Gonzo's bar

Answer: Gonorrhea

Question: 2 red pillows on chairs

Answer: with Gram Neg diplococci

Question: Seats with the high back white chairs

Answer: Facultative intracellular and invade PMN's

Question: White reflections on chairs

Answer: look like nuclei, trying to look like PMN's

Question: Effects genitalia first

Answer: in male's causes urethritis and prostatitis and orchiditis.

Question: Chandelier (uterus w/ fallopian tubes and ovaries) candle wax is falling

Answer: Pelvic inflammatory Disease - purulent white discharge

Question: Fitz Hugh Curtis Band

Answer: PID spreading to peritoneum - Fitz Hugh Curtiss syndrome - Violin string like adhesions in liver from spread into peritoneum.

Question: Statue fell with cracks on one knee

Answer: May cause polyarthritis in the knee and is asymmetric

Question: Mother holding a baby shielding the baby's eyes

Answer: Can be passed on to baby during delivery and will cause a conjunctivitis w/ in 5 days of birth.

Question: Statue w/ three axes, and three axe emblem on wall

Answer: Ceftriaxone is treatment but will need treatment for chlamydia, macrolide Zpack.

Question: Shell shape napkins

Answer: reminder to treat for chlamydia due to coinfection.

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