How Did The United States Approach Japan To Begin Trade

Question: By the mid-1800s, why did so many groups of people in Japan feel discontented?

Answer: The economy changed but the social and political structure remained the same.

Question: How did the government and Japanese society react when Japan was forced to accept unequal treaties?

Answer: The samurai and daimyo restored the emperor to power and worked to reform Japan.

Question: What changes did the Meiji Restoration bring about in Japan?

Answer: rapid industrialization, modernization, and changes in government and society

Question: Why did industrialization help start Japan on an imperialist course?

Answer: Japan needed access to natural resources, enabling Japan to build an empire.

Question: How did Japan's isolation affect daimyo during the Tokugawa period?

Answer: They felt financial strain since they had land, not money.

Question: How did the United States approach Japan to begin trade?

Answer: It sent well-armed ships with a letter from President Fillmore demanding trade.

Question: What made it possible for Japan to be successful at dominating Korea?

Answer: It had a modern army and navy.

Question: How did Koreans react to Japanese rule?

Answer: They resisted with a widespread nonviolence movement.

Question: How did the Meiji Transformation affect the social system in Japan?

Answer: Legal distinctions between classes were ended.

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