Jennifer Has Been Depressed For Several Months

Question: Dr. Wozniak is examining a cell from the nervous system of an animal. He notices that at one end of the cell body is a long, fibrous strand of tissue. He immediately recognizes this as an axon that is responsible for

Answer: carrying signals away from the cell body

Question: A neuron cell body reaches threshold and depolarizes. The depolarization propagates down the length of the __________, is chemically transmitted across the __________, and directly affects the electrical potential in the __________ of the successive neuron.

Answer: axon; synapse; dendrites

Question: If the myelin sheathing on neurons is absent or removed in a given individual, he or she will exhibit difficulties in speaking, vision, and balance because without myelin the

Answer: speed of neural conduction along critical path will be too slow

Question: In a resting state, sodium (Na+) is at a higher concentration outside the cell and potassium (K+) is more concentrated inside the cell. During an action potential, the sodium levels ________ inside the cell.

Answer: increase

Question: Which nervous system is involved in allowing you to shoot a basketball, smell freshly baked bread, and push the keys on a piano?

Answer: somatic nervous system

Question: The central nervous system consists of the brain and the ________.

Answer: spinal cord

Question: Latoria is horseback riding when she falls and hits her head. After the accident, she has difficulty performing finely coordinated movements. Latoria has most likely damaged her

Answer: cerebellum

Question: Which of the following senses is not routed through the thalamus?

Answer: smell

Question: After an accident, Stella was left with brain damage. Now Stella has trouble judging the emotions of others, even when she can see their facial expressions. Stella has most likely damaged her

Answer: amygdala

Question: Just before the glee club performance at Regionals, Finn Hudson receives damage to his association cortex during a football game. At glee club practice, he sings "The baby is a fortitude. Ice is calling." Finn must have received damage to his

Answer: Wernicke's area

Question: Jennifer has been depressed for several months, and she decided to take an overdose of sleeping pills. After taking the pills, her breathing rate decreased dramatically, her heart slowed down, and her blood pressure decreased. Which brain structure is the drug acting on?

Answer: medulla

Question: The right hemisphere gets information from the __________ side of the body and has better __________ abilities than the left hemisphere.

Answer: left; spatial

Question: Devin has been having trouble initiating movements lately and has also developed a tremor in his hands. He is diagnosed with Parkinson's disease and put on medication. To help alleviate Devin's symptoms directly, the drugs would need to increase the effects of which of the following?

Answer: dopamine

Question: ________ refers to the way that sensory information is interpreted and consciously experienced; ________ refers to what happens when sensory information is detected by a sensory receptor.

Answer: perception; sensation

Question: While walking outside, you notice the sun shining. Your ability to see the sunshine is related to visual processing of the light in your brain. The process by which physical energy (the sunshine) has been converted to neural activity in your brain is called

Answer: transduction

Question: What kind of processing is exemplified by the following scenario? Shimon offers Mouin some salmon. Mouin thinks, "How nice. My friend is offering me fish. I wonder where he got it." This thought leads Mouin to feel happy, appreciative, and curious; he responds with a smile and an extended hand.

Answer: top--down

Question: The psychological dimensions of sound, loudness, and pitch are determined by the physical dimensions of sound waves, __________, and __________, respectively.

Answer: amplitude; frequency

Question: Transduction of auditory information takes place in the

Answer: cochlea

Question: In doing research on auditory processing, you find a relationship between the location on the basilar membrane that a sound wave has its biggest peak and the detection of pitch. This supports the __________ theory of hearing.

Answer: place

Question: Oscar likes to run at night. Even though it is dark, Oscar can see because his eyes have specialized cells that convert the low levels of light energy into neural activity. These cells are known as

Answer: photoreceptors

Question: To see a very faint star at night, look slightly away from it because this will

Answer: focus

Question: While daydreaming, Felix was staring at a yellow school bus. When he then looked at a white wall he saw the color __________. This is best explained by the __________ theory.

Answer: blue; opponent-process

Question: Which of the following exemplifies olfaction?

Answer: smelling cookies in the oven

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