Relias Interpersonal Competence Answers

Question: Effectiveness

Answer: accomplish one's interaction goals

Question: Approprioteness

Answer: relate in contextually acceptable way. (RULES)

Question: Steamroller

Answer: accomplishes personal goals at others expense. He or she puts ones own rights forward at the expense of others rights

Question: Doormat

Answer: accomodates others at personal expense. sacrifices own rights for the sake of others' rights

Question: Roadkill

Answer: poor at accomplishing both personal goals and accomodating others

Question: Diplomat

Answer: able to accomplish personal goals and accomodate others

Question: Mindfulness - metaskill

Answer: being aware, open to new info, not just autopilot-create and recreate categories-beware of relying to heavily on first impressionsThe primacy effect tells us that initial perceptions tend to outweigh and influence later ones

Question: Flexibility - metaskill

Answer: being able to adapt depending on the situation-remember that communication is always embedded in context.-recognize that things are always in flux

Question: Cultural Sensitivity - metaskill

Answer: being sensitive to cultural differenses among people. -be prepared. read about and listen carefully for culturally-influenced rules that will be influencing your partners' behaviors-recognize differences between cultures, but also within cultures

Question: Metacommunication - metaskill

Answer: has to do with talking specifically about our communication.this is sometimes refered to as making process comments, because when we metacommunicate, we are making comments about the process of our communication-provide feedforward-try to clarify

Question: Immediacy - effective skill

Answer: creating a sense of closeness, liking, warmth, and accessibility-self-disclosure; reveal something meaningful about yourself to your partner-communicate appreciation for the other, their good qualities and your relationship-talk about commonalities, things you both like, value, appreciate-display high non-verbal cues; smiling, culturally appropriote touch

Question: Interaction Managemnet - effective skill

Answer: effectively regulating the flow of conversation-keep the conversation fluent, avioding long awkward pauses....ask meaningful questions-be an attentive listener

Question: expressiveness- effective skill

Answer: engaging dynamically, verbally/nonverbally displaying felt emotion-vary your vocal rate, pitch, volume, and rhythm to convey interest and involvement-maintain appopriote eye contact and display facial expressions congruent with your verbal messages and the context

Question: Positiveness - effective skilll

Answer: framing preceptions in an optimistic, hopeful manner-use a language that encourages empowerment in others

Question: openess - appropriate skill

Answer: allowing other to access to your otherwise unknown self (when appropriate) owning your thoughts and feelings, being willing to listen

Question: empathy - appropriate skill

Answer: understading and identifying emotionally with others-ask questions to help understand what the other is thinking and feeling. resist temptation to give advice or problem solve-try to remember similar feelings

Question: supportiveness - appropriate skill

Answer: communicating with description vs. evaluation and provision vs certainty-use provisional language "i believe" "here's how i see it" -avoid accusations and blame

Question: equality - appropriate skill

Answer: treating others as an important and vital contributor to the interaction-even in there are actual inequalities present, avoid communicating an attitude of superiority-this is often about face-saving and rapport-buliding-avoid interupting

Question: other orientation - apporpriate skill

Answer: being able to adapt your messages to the other person-show consideration-deomonstrate respect-respect boundaries-adjust your non-verbal cues to your partners-grant permission

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