The Control Center For Involuntary Respiration Is The

Question: Why is the temporal artery is a good site for measuring body temperature?

Answer: temporal artery is close to skin surface, easily accessible, constant steady flow of blood.

Question: The temporal artery site can be used to measure body temperature in

Answer: in individuals of all ages

Question: How does a temporal artery temp reading compare with an oral body temp?

Answer: 1 F higher than oral

Question: What can cause an inaccurate temporal artery temperature reading ?

Answer: sweating

Question: when the patients forehead is sweating, what can help to ensure an accurate temporal artery reading ?

Answer: take temperature of the neck area located behind the earlobe also must measured

Question: Chemical thermometers must be stored in

Answer: cool area

Question: What name is given to the heat-regular center of the body?

Answer: hypothalamus

Question: Most of the heat produced in the body is through?

Answer: voluntary and involuntary muscle

Question: The transfer of heat from one object to another is known as?

Answer: conduction

Question: What is the normal range for body temperature?

Answer: 98.6

Question: A temperature of 100% F is classified as

Answer: low grade fever

Question: A temperature of 103 F is classified as

Answer: fever

Question: A Temperature of 97.6 F is classified as

Answer: normal

Question: If a rectal temp of 99 F was taken orally, it would register as

Answer: 98

Question: Which of the color probe should be selected to measure rectal body temp with an electronic thermometer?

Answer: red

Question: Why must a rectal thermometer be lubricated before insertion?

Answer: to prevent injury

Question: How far should the probe inserted when measuring the rectal temp of an infant? After measurement of rectal temp with an electronic thermometer, the probe cover should be ejected into what type of a waste container?

Answer: 1/2 n inch, a regular waste container.

Question: What can occur if the lens of a tympanic thermometer is dirty?

Answer: false reading

Question: the lens of a tympanic membrane thermometer should be cleaned with

Answer: antiseptic wipe

Question: What should be done with a used probe cover for a tympanic membrane thermometer?

Answer: thrown away in trash

Question: Which factors can cause in an increase in body temp?

Answer: exercise, emotional states.

Question: What are the symptoms experienced by a patient when his or her temperature begins to rise ?

Answer: inflammation, infection.

Question: What is the name given to the type of fever in which a wide range of temperature fluctuations occur, all of which are above normal ?

Answer: remittent

Question: What is the name given to the type of fever in which the temperature fluctuates minimally but always remain elevated?

Answer: continuous

Question: what term refers to fever?

Answer: febrile

Question: The axilla is recommended as the preferred site for taking the temp of what type patient ?

Answer: toddlers and children

Question: when taking axillary body temp, why should the arm be held close to the body?

Answer: interference from outside air currents is reduced

Question: If an axillary temp of 100 F was taken orally, it would register as

Answer: 101 F

Question: The rectal site should not be used to take the temperature of what type of patient

Answer: 3 months and under

Question: where is the radial pulse

Answer: wrist

Question: The apical pulse is located?

Answer: heart

Question: where is the popliteal pulse located ?

Answer: knee

Question: Where is the femoral pulse located?

Answer: thigh

Question: what pulse sites can be used to assess circulation the foot ?

Answer: dorsalis pedis, posterior tibial

Question: Which pulse site is often used to monitor pulse during exercise ?

Answer: carotid

Question: What is the normal range for resting pulse of an adult ?

Answer: 60-100 bpm

Question: What term describes an abnormally fast pulse rate?

Answer: Tachycardia

Question: You are taking the pulse and find it feels extremely strong and full. How would you record this in a patients chart?

Answer: bounding pulse

Question: What type of individuals may normally exhibit bradychardia?

Answer: trained athlete

Question: What term is used to describe an irregularity in the hearts rhythm?

Answer: dysrhythmia

Question: what is the term used to describe the condition in which the radial pulse rate is less than the apical pulse?

Answer: pulse deficit

Question: what type of test might be ordered for dysrhythmia ?

Answer: electrocardiogram/ apical radial pulse

Question: What is the purpose of measuring a pulse?

Answer: To establish the patients baseline pulse rate and to asses the pulse rate after special procedures, medications or disease that affect the heart.

Question: Excessive pressure should not be applied when measuring radial pulse because

Answer: it could close off the pulse

Question: which types of patients has the fastest pulse rate?

Answer: infants

Question: How does physical exercise temporarily affect the pulse?

Answer: makes it rise

Question: For an artery to be considered as a pulse site, it must be

Answer: superficial to the skin and held against a firm tissue

Question: You are measuring the pulse and find it has a normal rhythm and volume. How should you record this in a patients chart?

Answer: P: BPM, ?

Question: If you measure a pulse and find it feels weak and rapid. How would you record this?

Answer: thready pulse

Question: One respiration consists of ?

Answer: one inhalation, one exhalation.

Question: what happens during exhalation?

Answer: lungs to return to original state causing air containing Co2 to be expelled

Question: Internal respiration is

Answer: The exchange of oxygen and carbon dioxide between the body cells and blood

Question: What is the name of the control center for involuntary respiration?

Answer: Medulla oblongata

Question: The normal respiratory rate of an adult ranges from

Answer: 12-20 bpm

Question: What type of individual has the slowest respiratory rate?

Answer: older/elderly

Question: what term is used to describe a bluish discoloration of the skin caused by a lack of oxygen?

Answer: cyanosis

Question: What type of patient would least likely to have dyspnea ?

Answer: Asthma and emphysema

Question: What are the symptoms often characterized often by hypopnea?

Answer: Abnormal decrease in the rate and depth of respiration

Question: If a patients pulse rate is 80 beats/min, the patients respiration would most likely be

Answer: 20

Question: What term is used to describe an abnormal decrease in the rate and depth of respiration

Answer: Hypopnea

Question: What term is used to describe breathing that is easier in a sitting position?

Answer: orthopnea

Question: What type of breathing may occur with a panic attack?

Answer: hyperventilation

Question: What term is used to describe temporary cessation of breathing

Answer: Apnea

Question: What term designates a decreases in the oxygen saturation of the blood?

Answer: hypoxemia

Question: what types of conditions can cause a decrease in the Spo2 reading?

Answer: pneumonia, emphysema, asthma,congestive heart failure.

Question: The purpose of the power on self test (post) performed by a pulse oximeter is to

Answer: to check its internal systems to ensure they are functioning properly.

Question: Proper care of the pulse oximeter includes

Answer: cleaned periodically using a cloth slightly dampened with a solution of warm water and a disinfectant cleaner.

Question: What factors can affect the Spo2 reading?

Answer: finger nail polish, poor peripheral blood flow, incorrect positioning of probe, movement.

Question: What can prevent ambient light from interfering with the Spo2 reading?

Answer: turning off the light, moving patients hand away from light source, or covering the probe with an opaque material such as wash cloth.

Question: What effect can patient movement have on the pulse oximetry procedure?

Answer: motion affects the ability of the light to travel from the LED to the photo detector and prevent the probe from picking up the pulse signal

Question: What locations on a patient can be used the a probe placement site for Spo2?

Answer: toe, finger, ear lobe.

Question: Pulse oximetry provides the physician with info on

Answer: the measurement of oxygen saturation of hemoglobin in arterial blood

Question: The function of the hemoglobin is to

Answer: to transport oxygen in the body

Question: The abbreviation used to record oxygen saturation as measured by a pulse oximeter is

Answer: Spo2

Question: The oxygen saturation level of a healthy individual is

Answer: 95-99

Question: Over which artery is the stethoscope placed when taking blood pressure

Answer: brachial artery

Question: When measuring blood pressure, the patients arm should be positioned at

Answer: positioned at heart level

Question: Which of the following indicates that the proper cuff size has been selected

Answer: many cuffs are marked with a range line, which permits determination of the proper cuff size

Question: What is NOT an advantage of using an automated oscillometric blood pressure device?

Answer: movement, muscle tremors, dysrythmia, weak pulse.

Question: What is the proper technique for checking blood pressure?

Answer: proper cuff size, locate the brachial pulse, pump air into the cuff, release the pressure at a moderate steady rate.

Question: When measuring blood pressure, the first clear tapping sound represents

Answer: increase in intensity

Question: When measuring blood pressure, the korotkoff phase in which the sounds disappear is

Answer: five (v)

Question: Blood pressure measures

Answer: the pressure or force exerted by the blood on the walls of the arteries in which it is contained

Question: The phase in the cardiac cycle in which the heart relaxes between contractions is known as

Answer: diastole

Question: The systolic blood pressure represents the

Answer: highest point of blood pressure in the body

Question: What term is used to describe the point of lesser pressure on the arterial walls when assessing blood pressure?

Answer: hypotension

Question: Normal blood pressure for an adult is

Answer: 120/80

Question: Blood pressure is measured in

Answer: systolic pressure/diastolic pressure

Question: What is the range for Bp when a patient has hypertension, stage 1 ?

Answer: 140-159 / 90-99

Question: What are some risk factors for developing hypertension ?

Answer: obesity, sodium intake, stress, no exercise, smoking, alcohol.

Question: If a patients blood is pressure is 130/85 mm Hg, the patients pulse pressure should be

Answer: 45 normal

Question: What factors have an effect on blood pressure?

Answer: age, gender, diurnal variations, emotional states, exercise, medication and body position.

Question: What type of cuff would probably be needed to measure blood pressure on an over weight adult weighing 250 pounds?

Answer: thigh cuff

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