The Final Evaluator Of Forensic Evidence Is The:

Question: The final evaluator of forensic evidence is the:

Answer: jury

Question: Which is NOT a normal manner of death?

Answer: homicide

Question: The rate of cooling of a dead body can be influenced by all BUT the:

Answer: gender of victim

Question: A decentralized system of crime laboratories currently exists in the United States under the auspices of various government agencies at the ______, ______, ______ and ______ levels of government

Answer: Federal, State, County and Municipal

Question: The ______ unit dispatches trained personnel to the scene of a crime to retrieve evidence for laboratory examination

Answer: Evidence-collection

Question: The examination of body fluids and organs for drugs and poisons is a function belonging to the ______ unit

Answer: Toxicology

Question: The most basic methods of crime scene recording do NOT include:

Answer: narrated videotape

Question: The collection of standard reference samples at the crime scene is important because they:

Answer: permit comparisons to be made with the evidence

Question: A detailed search of the crime scene for physical evidence must be conducted ______

Answer: Throughly and systematically

Question: The techniques of physical evidence collection require a highly skilled individual who must specialize in this area of investigation

Answer: FALSE

Question: The fictional character of Sherlock Holmes was created by:

Answer: Doyle

Question: Who is known as the "father of forensic toxicology"?

Answer: Orfilia

Question: Which matter is NOT the province of civil litigation? The definition of competency to:

Answer: stand trial for burglary

Question: The application of chemistry, physics, and geology to the identification and comparison of crime-scene evidence is the function of the ______ unit of a crime laboratory

Answer: Physical sciences

Question: The ability of the investigator to recognize and collect crime-scene evidence properly is dependent on ______

Answer: The amount of training received from the crime laboratory

Question: The "general acceptance" principle, which serves as a criterion for the judicial admissibility of scientific evidence, was set forth in the case of ______

Answer: Frye vs United States

Question: The successful outcome of a criminal investigation is almost always directly related to:

Answer: the manner in which the evidence is collected and preserved

Question: The presence of blood and semen at crime scenes exposes investigators to:

Answer: hepatitis B and AIDS

Question: The most important prerequisite for photographing a crime scene is to have it in an _____ condition

Answer: Unaltered

Question: The term ______ encompasses any or all objects that can establish whether crime has been committed or can provide a link between a crime and its victim or perpetrator

Answer: Physical evidence

Question: Who established the comparison microscope as the indispensable tool of the modern firearms examiner?

Answer: Goddard

Question: Which unit has the responsibility for the examination of body fluids and organs for the presence of drugs and poisons?

Answer: toxicology unit

Question: Which of the following is NOT true? An expert witness must be able to demonstrate:

Answer: formal degree in forensic science

Question: The Italian scientist; ______ devised the first workable procedure for typing dried bloodstains

Answer: L. Lattes

Question: In contrast to the United States, Britain's crime laboratory system is characterized by a national ______ of crime laboratories

Answer: System

Question: One of the first functional crime laboratories to be formed existed in Lyons, France, under the direction of ______

Answer: E. Locard

Question: Physical evidence at a hit-and-run scene could include:

Answer: glass fragments, fiber and tissue, fabric impressions

Question: The first officer arriving at a crime scene, after providing or obtaining medical assistance for the injured and effecting an arrest of suspects (if possible), should immediately:

Answer: secure the scene

Question: An investigator need only draw a ______ sketch at the crime scene to show its dimensions and pertinent objects

Answer: rough

Question: In cooperation with the medical examiner or coroner, what type of evidence retrieved from a deceased victim is to be submitted to the crime laboratory?

Answer: Clothing, Fingernail scrapings, Recovered bullets, Blood

Question: One of the earliest crime laboratories was founded by:

Answer: Edmond Locard

Question: The judicial case that set forth the guidelines for determining the admissibility of scientific examinations in the Federal courts is:

Answer: Daubert v. Merrell Dow Pharmaceuticals

Question: The case of Frye v. United States deals with the legal issue of ______

Answer: General acceptance of scientific principles

Question: The following service does not normally lie within the expertise of the forensic scientist:

Answer: Polygraph examination

Question: The effectiveness of an expert's testimony is almost always dependent on:

Answer: The experience of the expert, The ability of the expert to talk in clear concise language, The educational background of the expert, The scientific validity of the tests used

Question: The process by which the body temperature cools after death is known as:

Answer: Algor mortis

Question: Which of the following techniques can be used to estimate the time of death:

Answer: Rigor mortis, Eye fluid potassium levels, Livor mortis, Insect infestation

Question: The obligation to maintain the integrity of evidence belongs to which of the following?

Answer: The evidence clerk

Question: The relative evidential value of laboratory test results is almost always dependent on:

Answer: The way the evidence is collected and presented for examination

Question: The manner of collecting and preserving physical evidence at a crime scene is determined by:

Answer: The nature of the evidence

Question: Physical evidence may be obtained from:

Answer: The crime scene, The victim, The suspect

Question: The 1978 Supreme Court case which related to the impropriety of the warrantless collection of physical evidence at a homicide scene is ______

Answer: Mincey v. State of Arizona

Question: All of the following items may be placed in an airtight container except:

Answer: Bloodstained clothing

Question: The evidence collector is not concerned with:

Answer: Determining the natural variations that exist in physical evidence

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