The Physical Substance That Everything Is Made Of.

Question: Matter

Answer: the physical substance that everything is made of.

Question: substance

Answer: Matter with a uniform and unchanging composition

Question: State of matter

Answer: A physical property that describes matter as a solid, liquid, or gas.

Question: Solid

Answer: a form of matter that is not a liquid or gas and that has a definite shape.

Question: liquid

Answer: a form of matter that is not a solid or gas. It has a fixed volume but not a fixed shape.

Question: gas

Answer: a state of matter that is not liquid or solid or a substance that has this form. It has no fixed shape or volume. Hydrogen and carbon dioxide are examples.

Question: vapor

Answer: Gaseous state of a substance that is a solid at room temperature

Question: Plasma

Answer: a state of matter similar to a gas but with different characteristics because the electrons are more loose than in gasses. This gives it special electrical and magnetic properties.

Question: Mass

Answer: the amount of matter in an object

Question: volume

Answer: The space that matter take up

Question: Physical change

Answer: A changesuch as this, which alters a substance without changing its composition

Question: Phase change

Answer: is a transition of mattefrom one state to another.

Question: Chemical change

Answer: A change that occurs when one or more substances change into entirely new substances with different properties.

Question: law of conservation of mass

Answer: Matter is not created nor destroyed in any chemical or physical change

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