Throughout The Life Course Gender Shapes

Question: The concept of gender refers to:

Answer: The personal traits and social positions that members of a society attach to being female or male.

Question: Margaret Mead's research on gender in three societies in New Guinea illustrates that:

Answer: what is feminine to one society may be masculine to another.

Question: What is the form of social organization in which females dominate males?

Answer: matriarchy.

Question: Throughout the life course, gender shapes:

Answer: human feelings.human thoughts.human actions.

Question: What share of today's U.S. women are working for income?

Answer: 60 percent

Question: "Pink-collar" work refers to what type of jobs?

Answer: clerical

Question: In the United States in 2004, women in the labor force working full time earned (_____) as much as men working full time.

Answer: 87 percent

Question: On average, women earn less than men in which of the following categories of jobs?

Answer: executive, administrators, and managerssalesmachine operators

Question: In which of the following nations does the greatest political power of women come closest to that of men?

Answer: Norway.

Question: In what percentage of rapes and attempted rapes does the woman know her attacker?

Answer: 90 percent

Question: Sexual harassment became an issue in the United States in:

Answer: the 1990s.

Question: Most cases of female genital mutilation occur in which of the following places?

Answer: Africa

Question: If your goal were to build a coalition of liberals and conservatives, which of the following issues would be most likely to lead to success?

Answer: Pornography

Question: Talcott Parsons described gender in the terms of:

Answer: Complementarity

Question: Friedrich Engels claimed that capitalism:

Answer: Increased men's domination of women.

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