Using Fitness Evaluations To Determine Fitness Levels Is Important To

Question: type of exercise is related to the __________ exercise principle.

Answer: specificity

Question: fitness evaluations are usually designed for a certain group of people.

Answer: TRUE

Question: To ensure your score in a fitness evaluation is properly recorded, the proctor must count your repetitions.

Answer: FALSE

Question: When participating in a fitness evaluation, it's important to familiarize yourself with the events included in the evaluation

Answer: TRUE

Question: Trending data is needed when evaluating fitness levels in order to __________.

Answer: correct inaccurate data

Question: Which of the following is an example of a specific personal training goal?

Answer: decrease mile-run time by 30 seconds

Question: When reviewing the results of your fitness evaluation, it's important to look for areas that can be improved.

Answer: TRUE

Question: You should be as general as possible when setting fitness goals, so as to allow improvement in all areas.

Answer: FALSE

Question: Using fitness evaluations to determine fitness levels is important to __________.

Answer: set fitness goals, track performance, and spot areas for improvement

Question: Any personal training plan should be developed using the FITT principles of exercise.

Answer: TRUE

Question: Which of the following events is NOT typically included in fitness evaluations?

Answer: shot put

Question: For men taking the the Air Force Physical Fitness Test, the best possible time to run 1.5 miles is in less than __________.

Answer: 9 minutes, 12 seconds

Question: __________ are essential components of any personal training plan.

Answer: rest and recovery

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