What Term Describes Work Done By Nonprofessionals

Question: Van Gogh's paintings are of high value because

Answer: all of the following:a. his work had a major influence on subsequent artists.b. there are a limited number of his paintings.c. he plays a large role in Western art history.d. his paintings allow the viewer to feel a connection with the artist himself.

Question: According to the author, Leonardo da Vinci's Mona Lisa dazzled his contemporaries because

Answer: the portrait was almost miraculously lifelike.

Question: During the ________ the term "art" was used roughly in the same sense as "craft."

Answer: Middle Ages

Question: The field of philosophy called aesthetics asks the question,

Answer: all of the following:a. What is art?b. Can we apply our concept of art to art of the past?c. Can we apply our concept of art to art of different cultures?d. Is there one correct standard for judging art?

Question: Fisherman's Cottage on the Cliffs at Varengeville was painted by

Answer: Claude Monet.

Question: What term describes work done by nonprofessionals?

Answer: all of the following:a. folk artb. naΓ―ve artc. intuitive artd. outsider art

Question: Rebecca Purdum's Chin Up and Vasily Kandinsky's Swinging have what in common?

Answer: Both are nonrepresentational in style.

Question: To discover why the sculptor of the Amida Nyorai depicted the subject with elongated earlobes, specific hand gestures, and a bun atop his head requires the use of

Answer: iconography.

Question: The term style is used to categorize a work of art by its

Answer: visual characteristics.

Question: Our modern ideas about art carry with them ideas about

Answer: the artist and the audience.

Question: During the 18th century, beauty and art were discussed together because both

Answer: were felt to provide pleasure.

Question: _______ is the name for a standard subject in Christian art, that of Mary, the mother of Jesus, holding her son after he was taken down from the cross.

Answer: Vanitas

Question: If a work of art is faithful to our visual experience, its style is

Answer: naturalistic.

Question: When discussing the size, shape, material, color, and composition of a work of art, we are discussing its

Answer: form.

Question: ________ involves identifying, describing, and interpreting subject matter in art.

Answer: Iconography

Question: The term for extreme optical fidelity is

Answer: trompe l'oeil.

Question: During the Renaissance in Western Europe, ________ came to be regarded as the more elevated of the arts.

Answer: painting, sculpture, and architecture

Question: After much study of the Arnolfini Double Portrait, experts agree that

Answer: Experts still debate the work's iconography.

Question: Context is a factor of ties that bind a work of art to the

Answer: all of the following:a. life of its creator.b. tradition it grows from and to which it responds.c. audience for which it was made.d. society in which it was circulated.

Question: Ann Hamilton's Mantle is an example of

Answer: installation.

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