Compared To Other Promotional Tools Publicity

Question: Answer: False LG: 1/LL: 1 Page: 490 16-2.

Answer: As a component of the promotion mix, advertising includes each of the activities marketers use to inform people about products and persuade them to participate in an exchange.TRUE OR FALSE

Question: Answer: True LG: 1/LL: 1 Page: 490 16-3.

Answer: A firm's promotion mix refers to the combination of different promotional tools used to persuade consumers to participate in an exchange.TRUE OR FALSE

Question: Answer: True LG: 1/LL: 1 Page: 490 16-4.

Answer: As one of the tools included in a firm's promotion mix, public relations is intended to inform, remind and persuade people in the target market.TRUE OR FALSE

Question: Answer: False LG: 1/LL: 1 Page: 490 16-5.

Answer: Integrated marketing communication simplifies the marketing process by replacing personal selling with extensive use of advertising to create a positive brand image.TRUE OR FALSE

Question: Answer: True LG: 1/LL: 1 Page: 490 16-6.

Answer: Combining a firm's promotional tools and resources to create a favorable brand image is the goal of integrated marketing communication.TRUE OR FALSE

Question: Answer: False LG: 1/LL: 1 Page: 490 16-7.

Answer: The first step in creating a promotional campaign is to define the objectives for each element of the marketing mix.TRUE OR FALSE

Question: Answer: True LG: 1/LL: 1 Page: 490 16-8.

Answer: The last step in creating a promotional campaign is to evaluate the effectiveness of each element of the promotional mix.TRUE OR FALSE

Question: Answer: False LG: 2/LL: 1 Page: 491 16-9.

Answer: Depending on the promotional campaign, advertising may include paid and non-paid forms of nonpersonal communication.TRUE OR FALSE

Question: Answer: True LG: 2/LL: 1 Page: 491 and Figure 16.4 16-10.

Answer: Television and direct mail are the top two advertising media when ranked by total expenditures.TRUE OR FALSE

Question: Answer: False LG: 2/LL: 1 Page: 491 and Figure 16.4 16-11.

Answer: Internet advertising ranks third in terms of total advertising expenditures.TRUE OR FALSE

Question: Answer: False LG: 2/LL: 1 Page: 491 and Figure 16.4 16-12.

Answer: Television and newspaper advertising are the top two advertising media when ranked by total expenditures.TRUE OR FALSE

Question: Answer: False LG: 2/LL: 1 Page: 491 and Figure 16.16-13.

Answer: The number one advertising medium in terms of total dollar expenditures is newspapers.TRUE OR FALSE

Question: Answer: B LG: 3/LL: 1 Page: 498 16-14.

Answer: ________ refers to the face-to-face presentation and promotion of products and services. This also includes searching for prospects and providing follow-up services. A) Word-of-mouth promotion. B) Personal selling. C) Public relations. D) Internal marketing.

Question: Answer: B LG: 4/LL: 1 Page: 502 16-15.

Answer: The activity that evaluates public attitudes and implements a program to earn public understanding and acceptance is called: A) marketing research. B) public relations. C) marketing communication system. D) advertising.

Question: Answer: D LG: 4/LL: 1 Page: 503 16-16.

Answer: ________ refers to any information about a product or an organization that is communicated to the public through the media and is not paid for by the sponsor. A) A market presentation B) Promotion C) Public relations D) Publicity

Question: Answer: D LG: 5/LL: 1 Page: 504 16-17.

Answer: The promotional tool that stimulates consumer purchasing and dealer interest by means of short-term activities, such as trade shows, samples, and contests, is known as: A) publicity. B) public relations. C) every day low prices. D) sales promotion.

Question: Answer: C LG: 5/LL: 1 Page: 504 16-18.

Answer: Effective sales promotion activities target:: A) employees only. B) customers only. C) employees, dealers and customers. D) dealers only.

Question: Answer: A

Answer: Successful firms realize that each target group requires: A) a separate promotion mix. B) online computer advertising. C) infomercial testimonials. D) customized legislation and training.

Question: Answer: A LG: 6/LL: 1 Page: 508 16-20.

Answer: The strategy of directing advertising and sales promotion toward consumers to stimulate them to request the products from their local retailers is called a: A) pull strategy. B) segmentation strategy. C) push strategy. D) product placement strategy.

Question: Answer: C LG: 6/LL: 1 Page: 508

Answer: The use of promotional tools to persuade wholesalers and retailers to stock and sell merchandise represents a: A) pull strategy. B) segmentation strategy. C) push strategy. D) product placement strategy.

Question: Promotion mix

Answer: The combination of promotional tools an organization uses

Question: Integrated marketing communications

Answer: A technique that combines all the promotional tools into one comprehensive, unified promotional strategy

Question: Advertising

Answer: Paid, no personal communication through various media by organizations and individuals who are in some way identified in the advertising message

Question: Product placement

Answer: Putting products into TV shows and movies where they will be seen

Question: Infomercial

Answer: A full-length tv program devoted exclusively to promoting goods or services

Question: Interactive promotion

Answer: Promotion process that allows marketers to go beyond a monologue, where sellers try to persuade buyers to buy things, to a dialogue in which buyers and sellers work together to create mutually beneficial exchange relationships

Question: Personal selling

Answer: The face to face presentation and promotion of goods and services

Question: Prospecting

Answer: Researching potential buyers and choosing those most likely to buy

Question: Qualifying

Answer: In the selling process, making sure that people have a need for the product, the authority to buy, and the willingness to listen to a sales message

Question: Prospect

Answer: A person with the means to buy a product, the authority to buy, and the willingness to listen to a sales message

Question: Trial close

Answer: A step in the selling process that consists of a question or statement that moves the selling process toward the actual close

Question: Public relations

Answer: The management function that evaluates public attitudes changes policies and procedures in response to the public's requests, and executes a program of action and information to earn public understanding and acceptance

Question: Publicity

Answer: Any information about an individual, product, or organization that's distributed to the public through the media and that's not paid for or controlled by the seller

Question: Sales promotion

Answer: The promotional tool that stimulates consumer purchasing and dealer interest by means of short-term activities

Question: Sampling

Answer: A promotional tool in which a company lets consumers have a small sample of a product for no charge

Question: Word of mouth promotion

Answer: A promotional tool hat involves people telling other people about products they've purchased

Question: Viral marketing

Answer: The term now used to describe everything from paying customers to say positive things on Internet to setting up multilevel selling schemes whereby consumers get commissions for directing friends to specific websites

Question: Blog

Answer: An online diary that looks like a web page but it's easier to create and update by posting text, photos, or links to other sites

Question: Podcasting

Answer: A means of distributing audio and video programs via the Internet that let's users subscribe to a number of files, also known as feeds, and then hear or view the material at the time they choose

Question: Push strategy

Answer: Promotional strategy in which the producer uses advertising, personal selling, sales promotion, and all other promotional tools to convince wholesalers and retailers to stock and sell merchandise

Question: Pull strategy

Answer: Promotional strategy in which heavy advertising and sales promotion efforts are directed toward consumers so that they'll request he products from retailers

Question: Pick economy

Answer: Customers who pick out their products from online outlets or who do online comparison shopping

Question: testimonial

Answer: A _________ is an endorsement from a customer praising a firm's product.

Question: promotion

Answer: The goal of __________ is to inform and remind people in a target market about specific products, eventually persuading them to participate in an exchange

Question: they are able to see how many people have read or watched some part of a commercial. it is easy to is inexpensive. few advertisers are using the Internet so their message will stand out.

Answer: Advertisers like online advertising because:

Question: Trial close

Answer: The purpose of a __________ is to move the selling process toward an actual product purchase

Question: conventions

Answer: Which of the following is a B2B sales promotion activity?

Question: virtual trade show

Answer: A __________ allows B2B buyers to see products on the Internet 24 hours a day, 365 days a year without having to leave their office

Question: B

Answer: A major responsibility of the public relations department is toA. decide on the appropriate mix of advertising media. B. maintain close ties with the media, community leaders, government officials and other stakeholders. C. identify appropriate markets for the firm's products, and then select the most likely customers in each market. D. train salespeople to interact better with their company's customers

Question: B

Answer: Compared to other promotional tools, publicityA. costs more. B. offers the firm little control over the message. C. prevents a response from competitive firms. D. is the easiest to manage

Question: B

Answer: One way to see that publicity is handled well by the media is to:A. pay for it. B. establish a friendly relationship with media representatives. C. write good press releases that attract attention

Question: integrated marketing communication

Answer: the management of GamesPeople designed a comprehensive strategy that unifies advertising, personal selling, public relations and sales promotion activities creating a consistent message. This effort to promote a positive brand represents a

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