Forces And Motion Unit Test

Question: The tendency of an object to resist any change of motion is known as

Answer: inertia

Question: The amount of matter in an object

Answer: mass

Question: The greater the mass of an object,

Answer: the greater the inertia

Question: The force of gravity of a person or object at the surface of a planet

Answer: weight

Question: What is true in this situation? A book is sitting on a dashboard of a car that's stopped at a traffic light. As the car starts to move forward, the book slides off the dashboard.

Answer: The object had inertia

Question: The law of universal gravitation states that

Answer: two objects always exert gravitational forces on each other

Question: A force that one surface exerts on another when the two rub against each other

Answer: friction

Question: According to Newton's Third Law of Motion, when a hammer strikes and exerts a force on a nail, the nail

Answer: exerts and equal and opposite force back on the hammer

Question: An example of Newton's Third Law in action

Answer: A rocket taking off from earth which pushes gasses in one direction and the rocket in the other

Question: An example of Newton's Second Law in action

Answer: A rocket that is accelerating through space and exerts a great amount of force because its mass and acceleration is so large

Question: An example of Newton's First Law in action

Answer: A rocket sitting on the ground preparing for takeoff but it needs an outside force to overcome its inertia of a nonmoving object

Question: An example of momentum in action

Answer: A bowling ball hitting pins

Question: You can increase the momentum of an object by

Answer: By increasing its mass or velocity

Question: An example of a balanced force

Answer: a tug-of-war game in which no one wins

Question: An example of an unbalanced force (net force)

Answer: a roller coaster going down the first drop

Question: In physical science, a push or pull is called

Answer: a force

Question: When two equal forces act on the same object in opposite directions, the net force is ________.

Answer: zero

Question: The word "acceleration" means to

Answer: change the speed or direction

Question: An example of a constant speed

Answer: A car cruising on the Interstate

Question: Two main outside forces acting on most anything on earth are

Answer: friction and gravity

Question: A roller coaster climbing the first hill is an example of

Answer: building potential energy

Question: A roller coaster going down the first drop is an example of

Answer: kinetic energy

Question: The force that pulls falling objects to Earth is called

Answer: gravity

Question: A car of a roller coaster coasts from point A to point B. The speed of the car increases because

Answer: unbalanced forces act on the car

Question: The force that opposes motion between the car's wheels and the track of the roller coaster

Answer: friction

Question: Which of Newton's Laws would allow a passenger to fly right out of his seat if he did not have a lap belt over him and the roller coaster suddenly stopped?

Answer: First law - "Once in motion..."

Question: Your body bouncing back into your seat after hitting the lap bar is an example of which of Newton's Laws in action?

Answer: Third law - "For every action there is an..."

Question: The amount of force of the passenger as he hits the lap bar is an example of which of Newton's Laws in action?

Answer: Second law - "Mass x acceleration =..."

Question: 2.56 m/sec is a measure of

Answer: velocity or speed

Question: 2.7 km/sec squared is a measure of

Answer: acceleration

Question: 52 kg * m/sec is a measure of

Answer: momentum

Question: 786 N is a measure of

Answer: force

Question: When energy is stored it is called

Answer: potential

Question: What is energy called when it is released

Answer: kinetic

Question: What is the speed of a free-falling object on the 2nd second?

Answer: 19.6 m/sec

Question: The definition of weight

Answer: A gravitational force on a mass

Question: A sprinter runs the 200m in a time of 15 seconds. What is the sprinter's speed?

Answer: 13 1/3 m/s

Question: A 500 kg car is moving at a velocity of 50 km/hr north. What is the car's momentum?

Answer: 25,000 kg*km/hr

Question: A free fall coaster reaches a speed of 25 m/s after 1.2 seconds. What is it's acceleration?

Answer: 20.83 m/s squared

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