Treatment For Schizophrenia Includes Hospitalization And A Combination Of

Question: Seasonal affective disorder (SAD) is associated with

Answer: reduced exposure to sunlight.

Question: Which of the following statements about suicide is true?

Answer: People are at increased risk for suicide if they identify as LGBT.

Question: Warren often has difficulty writing sentences with the words in the correct order. Warrenn may have a learning disorder known as

Answer: dysgraphia.

Question: Which of the following statements about schizophrenia is TRUE?

Answer: Schizophrenia is a mental illness with biological origins.

Question: A person's realistic sense of self-respect or self-worth is referred to as

Answer: self-esteem.

Question: Jose's belief that he can successfully pass his biology midterm is an example of

Answer: self-efficacy.

Question: Marcella has a persistent fear of social situations; she is suffering from

Answer: phobia

Question: Jake is being treated for depression by a medical doctor who provides talk therapy and has also prescribed medication for his condition. Which type of mental health professional is Jake seeing?

Answer: psychiatrist

Question: People who have experienced repeated failures may develop a pattern of response in which they give up and fail to take any positive action. This is called

Answer: learned helplessness

Question: Which of the following is TRUE about panic attacks?

Answer: they can lead to social isolation

Question: A type of mental illness that involves inflexible patterns of thought that, in many cases, lead to socially distressing behavior is a(n)

Answer: personality disorder.

Question: Treatment for schizophrenia includes hospitalization and a combination of

Answer: medication and psychotherapy.

Question: A person who experiences flashbacks after a violent mugging might be suffering from

Answer: post traumatic stress disorder

Question: Research suggests that anxiety disorders

Answer: can develop as a learned response to a recurrent stress-inducing situation

Question: The personality trait that involves the ability to adapt to a social situation and demonstrate assertiveness is known as

Answer: extroversion

Question: The science of epigenetics studies

Answer: how behavioral choices influence our cells' ability to use genes.

Question: Spiritual health can best be described as

Answer: having a sense of meaning and purpose in one's life.

Question: An adolescent smoker might think lung cancer happens only to old people. This is an example of which factor of the health belief model?

Answer: perceived susceptibility

Question: Life expectancy in the early 1900s was largely determined by a person's

Answer: susceptibility to infectious disease.

Question: Beth works part-time as a waitress and receives no health insurance benefits from her employer. She purchased insurance under the Affordable Care Act, but the policy has a $5,000 annual deductible. Beth

Answer: is likely to delay care that she needs.

Question: Lisa has a strong sense of purpose and meaning to her life. Lisa is demonstrating

Answer: spiritual health

Question: Although he is often dispirited, exhausted, and pessimistic, for the last few days Jirou has been studying, working out, and socializing with so much energy and enthusiasm that he has not had more than two or three hours of sleep each night. Jirou might be suffering from

Answer: bipolar disorder

Question: Obsessive-compulsive disorder is

Answer: highly treatable

Question: An acute anxiety attack that brings on intense physical symptoms is a(n)

Answer: panic attack

Question: After breaking up with his girlfriend, Lucas has been unable to move on. He is afraid of rejection and doesn't think that women find him attractive. He is probably suffering from

Answer: low self-esteem

Question: A term used to encompass mental, emotional, social, and spiritual dimensions of health is

Answer: psycological

Question: A person's realistic sense of self-respect or self-worth is referred to as

Answer: self esteme

Question: The five-factor model classifies curiosity, independence, and imagination as

Answer: openness

Question: Alicia has been experiencing persistent sadness, despair, and hopelessness. She is displaying symptoms of

Answer: a chronic mood disorder

Question: An awareness of what others might be going through is called

Answer: empathy

Question: Health promotion

Answer: includes policies, programs, and financial support for initiatives that promote health

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