What Does Kezia Do That Makes Aunt Beryl Angry

Question: What object in the doll's house is Kezia's favourite?

Answer: Kezia's favourite object was a little lamp in the middle of the house.

Question: Why is Kezia's question a challenge to her mother? What does this interaction show about Kezia's character? How has she changed since the beginning of the story?

Answer: Kezia's question was a challenge because she was questioning the social ranks. This interaction showed that Kezia is different and daring. She also has a kind heart as she was accepting. At the beginning of the story, Kezia was quite quiet and obedient. As the story moved on, she became more accepting and was ready to take an extra step to challenge classism. In a way, Kezia is different and open-minded.

Question: What conflict, or internal battle, is Kezia experiencing in this paragraph? How does she resolve the conflict? How does her decision affect later events, or move the plot of the story forward?

Answer: Kezia was hesitating if she should invite the Kelveys over to see the doll's house. She was having a conflict because according to her mother she shouldn't talk to the Kelveys due to their low social and financial status. However, Kezia isn't affected much by the judging and has open-heart. She resolves the conflict by deciding to talk to the Kelveys and show them the doll's house. This decision caused her aunt to be angry at Kezia and kicking the Kelveys out of their yard. It moved the story by that Kezia challenged a big social standard.

Question: How does Lena taunt Lil Kelvey?

Answer: Lena taunts Lil Kelvey by telling her that her father is in prison and mocking how she's going to be a servant. This is a disrespective behaviour and Lena continues on by speaking spitefully.

Question: What does Kezia do that makes Aunt Beryl angry?

Answer: Kezia invited the Kelveys over to see the doll's house. This made Aunt Beryl angry because Kezia wasn't supposed to associate with the Kelveys at all.

Question: Write a brief summary about The Doll's House

Answer: The Doll's House is a story about classism and how it exists in the society, even amongst children. The story uses the doll's house and other objects to symbolize the deeper meaning of classism.

Question: Shunned

Answer: to keep away from; dislike; ignore and reject

Question: Sneered

Answer: to smile or laugh with scorn, ridicule verbally or by gesture

Question: Spitefully

Answer: intentionally harmful, vicious, intention of inflicting pain

Question: Docile

Answer: easily managed or handled

Question: Spry

Answer: active, quick

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