What Is Special Revelation Cwv 101

Question: Briefly list the commandments.

Answer: You shall not have any other God, do not worship other idols, don't misuse the Lord's name, Keep the Sabbath Day holy, honor your father and mother, do not murder, do not commit adultery, do not steal, do not give false testimony to your neighbor, do not envy anyone else.

Question: How do the first four commandments differ from the last six?

Answer: The first four commandments are about our Lord and what we should and should not do, whereas the last six are commandments in which we should not do with ourselves.

Question: Read the Beatitudes, the blessings of Jesus in the opening verses of the Sermon on the Mount in Matthew chapter 5:1-12. Which one is repeated and emphasized?

Answer: Those who are persecuted will inherit the kingdom of Heaven

Question: From the lecture, what two commandments did Jesus say are the greatest?

Answer: To love God and love your neighbor.

Question: From the lecture and textbook, write out the short quote that philosopher Friedrich Nietzsche made famous about truth.

Answer: "There is no truth, only interpretations."

Question: From the textbook, describe how Raphael, in his great painting School of Athens, depicted Plato and Aristotle.

Answer: Plato and Aristotle are depicted front and center, with Plato pointing up and Aristotle pointing horizontally. This indicates two ways of understanding truth. Plato's method points to God as the knower of all absolutes (ultimate truths are, therefore, present), while Aristotle's method indicates that truth is observed through interaction with the world and its circumstances and time period.

Question: According to the lecture, what kind of absolute truths require the existence of God?

Answer: Without God there can be no moral and spiritual absolute truths.

Question: Briefly define general and special revelation.

Answer: General Revelation: God has revealed himself universally to humanity through nature, history, science, and reasoning. Special Revelation: God reveal himself to people through direct communication (the Bible, Jesus, etc.)

Question: From Chapter 8 of the textbook, define exclusivism and pluralism.

Answer: Exclusivism - there is only one way to God. Pluralism - all religions hold a piece of the puzzle.

Question: According to Chapter 9 in the textbook, does Job ever find out why he suffered? What is the best explanation from our perspective?

Answer: No, he didn't question it, he stayed strong with his faith and trusted the Lord.

Question: Read the story of the raising of Lazarus in John 11. What can we learn about Jesus and death from this account of the event?

Answer: He is the Resurrection and the life, and even those who die will live on if they believe. He is able to perform miracles, such as bringing those who believe back to life.

Question: Read the 11 reasons for suffering listed in the lecture. Which reason(s) might provide good cause for a Christian to "count it all joy" as James says to do in James 1:2-4?

Answer: 1 Suffering increases our compassion and equips us to comfort others who suffer. 2 suffering strengthens out character. 3 Suffering draws us to God, compelling us to repent of our sins. 4 suffering keeps us humble and dependent on Christ. 5 Suffering joins us closer to Christ and His sufferings, especially in persecution.

Question: Define theodicy.

Answer: The Christian defense of God's infinite goodness and power despite the presence of evil and suffering.

Question: What are two explanations Christians might give to explain the problem of evil—how a good and powerful God would allow suffering?

Answer: 1 it helps to transform Christians into persons who are ready to live in God's holy presence. 2 Without suffering, people would never be forced to grow up to become their Father's true image bearers.

Question: According to Philippians 2:1-11, how are Christians to behave in light of what Jesus endured?

Answer: Put others before yourself, be humble and obedient.

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