Which Of The Following Is Most Susceptible To Bacterial Contamination

Question: Which of the following is most susceptible to bacterial contamination?

Answer: Ground beef or turkey Ground meat is the most susceptible to bacterial contamination, because grinding distributes any contamination that might be on the surface of the original cut of meat throughout the ground product. Although chicken is also susceptible to contamination, it is not as serious a threat as ground meat

Question: Which food safety concern is of LEAST concern to the FDA?

Answer: Genetic modification of foods is of least concern by the FDA because genetically modified foods have to undergo rigorous testing before they can be made available on the market.

Question: What is pasteurization? What foods require pasteurization?

Answer: Pasteurization is the treatment of milk, juices, or eggs with enough heat to kill most disease causing organisms common to these foods.

Question: Which of the following is TRUE regarding noncaloric sweeteners?

Answer: Noncaloric sweeteners are safe over a lifetime when used within acceptable daily intake levels.

Question: Although pesticide residues on foods in the U.S. are low, what can concerned consumers do to further reduce their intake of pesticide residues?

Answer: There are many things that consumers can do to reduce pesticide residue intakes. Because pesticide residues concentrate in the animal's fat, trimming the fat from meats may help to reduce intake. The outer layers of fruits and vegetables contain most of the pesticide residues. Thus removing these layers before consumption will also help to decrease intakes of pesticide residues.

Question: Which is accurate about toxins in foods?

Answer: Occasionally swallowing fruit seeds or a pit is not dangerous.Although some toxins can be found in fruit seeds and pits, an occasional swallowed seed would present no danger. Seeds can be more dangerous to small children but they would still have to consume a large amount.

Question: What are the components of the Fight Bac program?

Answer: The Fight Bac program identifies four aspects of food safety that will help consumers protect themselves from foodborne illness. It recommends that consumers keep hands and surfaces clean, keep raw and cooked foods separated during preparation, keep hot foods hot, and keep cold foods cold. An easy way for consumers to remember what to do is just to remember the words clean, separate, chill, and cook.

Question: Which is accurate about food additives?

Answer: The FDA regulates the use of additives. Any additive used in food must be shown to be safe, effective, and measurable in the final product.

Question: Which source would most likely contain spores of Clostridium botulinum (botulism)?

Answer: Improperly canned low-acid foodsLow-acid foods such as meats and vegetables need to be processed at a high enough temperature to kill the spores that can otherwise grow in a no-oxygen environment.

Question: Which is accurate about fresh produce and foodborne illness?

Answer: Produce grown close to the ground may be irrigated with contaminated water.Foods that grow close to the ground, such as lettuce, spinach, and tomatoes, are susceptible to bacterial contamination from contaminated water, animal waste runoff, or other sources that affect the soil. Although relatively rare, canned vegetables and fresh fruits and vegetables occasionally are a source of foodborne illness. Outer leaves of leafy vegetables should be discarded.

Question: In general, which is a benefit of food processing?

Answer: Many different types of food processing make foods available to consumers who otherwise would not have access to such foods. Distribution becomes cheaper and easier with food processing. Processing also makes foods more stable so they do not spoil as fast. Some people prefer the taste of processed foods, but the addition of fat, sugar and salt may minimize the taste benefit.Processing makes foods more convenient and easier to distribute.

Question: After the picnic, the leftover potato salad remained on the table in the sun for 4 hours. What should be done with the leftovers?

Answer: Throw away the leftover salad because it has been at an unsafe temperature too long.Perishable foods should not be left in the danger zone (40-140°F) for more than two hours. If they remain at this temperature for too long they should be thrown out.

Question: What is a safe way to thaw frozen meats?

Answer: Meats should be thawed in the refrigerator, defrosted in the microwave, or submerged under cool water. Of course, if defrosted in the microwave or in cool water, the meat should be cooked promptly and not be left at room temperature. Cold food should be kept cold at all times to limit the growth of bacteria. Meats should never be thawed at room temperature or under warm water because bacteria can multiply rapidly in the part of the meat that is warm enough to be in the danger zone while the rest is still thawing.

Question: What are safe cooking temperatures for (a) steaks and roasts and fish; (b) pork, eggs, and ground meats; (c) poultry?

Answer: Steaks, roasts, and fish are done when they reach in internal temperature of 145° F. Pork, eggs, and ground meats are done at 160° F, and poultry is done at 165° F.

Question: What is a function of irradiation?

Answer: Irradiation protects consumers by controlling the mold in grains, sterilizing spices and teas for storage at room temperature, controlling insects and extending shelf life in fresh fruits and vegetables, and destroying disease-causing bacteria in meats. Note: It does NOT make food radioactive!

Question: Which is the recommended temperature for a freezer?

Answer: Freezer temperatures should be kept below 0° F to keep frozen foods safe from bacterial contamination

Question: What are the benefits of organic foods for nutrition? For the environment?

Answer: Eating organic foods decreases pesticide exposure. However, since the amount of pesticide residue on conventionally-grown foods is still far below toxic levels, it is likely that there are no health benefits from the decreased exposure to pesticides from eating organic foods. The small reported differences in nutrient composition between organic and conventional foods are probably due to normal variations of crops. Thus organic foods do not provide any special nutritional benefit. Organic farming can minimize harm to the environment by avoiding contamination of waterways from runoff from concentrated animal waste, pesticides, and fertilizer.

Question: What is a benefit of eating organic fruits and vegetables instead of conventionally-grown foods?

Answer: Organic growing methods are better for the environment.

Question: When irradiation is used to protect foods from contamination, what happens to the quality of those foods?

Answer: Vitamin loss is minimal and comparable to that of other food processing methods.

Question: If pesticides have been used on fresh fruits and vegetables in the U.S., what can be said about the safety of those foods?

Answer: These foods are still safe since most pesticides can be removed by thoroughly washing the foods.

Question: All of the following are ways to reduce pesticide residues EXCEPT:

Answer: avoiding organic foods.

Question: Which preservation method maintains the nutritional value closest to that of the fresh food?

Answer: Freezing

Question: Which is a characteristic of the artificial fat olestra?

Answer: It passes through the digestive tract unabsorbed.

Question: Three friends are going on a picnic, and they don't have a way to keep foods cool. Which of these foods would be a safe choice? (Select all that apply.)

Answer: Canned meat spreads which can be opened at the picnic are safe to eat without refrigeration, making them a good choice for this picnic. This is one of the good options.Fresh, whole fruits would d be a safe choice, but should be washed before peeling and eating them. This is one of the good options. Breads and crackers are not easily contaminated. They are also safe to eat without refrigeration, making them perfect for a picnic where foods might be left out for longer periods of time. This is one of the good options

Question: Which is part of the FDA's rules to ensure safe use of additives?

Answer: Food processors must submit proof that any new additive is safe after extensive testing.

Question: After cooking, what temperature should hot foods be held at to keep them safe on a buffet table that lasts for an hour or two?

Answer: Greater than 140° F

Question: What is the lowest safe temperature for cooking a grilled hamburger?

Answer: 160° F

Question: Which statement is accurate about possible health or nutrition benefits of food processing?

Answer: Although processing decreases some nutrients in foods, it can also maintain foods' overall quality and extend availability long past harvest and to people in wider geographic areas. Of course, eating excessive amounts of foods processed with lots of fat, sugar, and salt can be detrimental to health.

Question: Which is the best way to thaw frozen meat?

Answer: In the refrigerator

Question: Which is accurate about drugs used in livestock raised for human consumption? (Select all that apply.)

Answer: Injections of bovine growth hormone (bST) allow animals to develop proportionally more meat and less fat.Cows that have been treated with bST are found to have more meat and less fat, which is beneficial to ranchers and the environment. Regular use of antibiotics in livestock may contribute to the emergence of antibiotic resistant diseases in human. A problem with using antibiotics in livestock is that the antibiotics are the same or similar to antibiotics used to treat humans. Because of the widespread use of antibiotics, some bacteria develop resistance over time. The drugs then lose their effectiveness for both animals and humans.

Question: Which food would likely be safest to eat?

Answer: Fresh fruit that has been bruised

Question: Which of the following hazards in our food supply is of MOST concern according to the Food and Drug Administration?

Answer: Microbial foodborne illness

Question: Which is part of the "separate" aspect of Fight Bac? (Select all that apply.)

Answer: "Separate" reminds consumers to keep raw meats and seafood from touching surfaces, utensils, or other cooked or ready-to-eat foods, to avoid cross contamination. "Separate" includes washing cutting boards and utensils with hot soapy water after cutting meat and before cutting vegetables.

Question: According to scientific evidence, which is accurate about the use of noncaloric sweeteners?

Answer: Aspartame can contribute to brain damage in children with phenylketonuria.

Question: Several hours after eating a chilled three-bean salad containing home-canned green beans, family members have difficulty breathing and swallowing, double vision, and muscle weakness. What should they do?

Answer: Go to the hospital immediately because they may have botulism.

Question: Which technology is widely used to kill disease-causing microorganisms in milk?

Answer: Pasteurization

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