Walter Cannon Observed That A Variety Of Stressors Trigger

Question: resistance to stress is greatest during _______ of the general adaptation syndrome.

Answer: phase 2

Question: why does stress highten vulnerability to bacterial and viral infections?

Answer: stress hormones suppress the activity of the immune system.

Question: dogs strapped in a harness and given repeated shocks that they could not avoid developed....

Answer: learned helplessness

Question: to reduce stress he feels after failing a college course, Jeremy seeks social support from friends and family. this illustrates....

Answer: emotion-focused coping

Question: the third phase of the general adaptation syndrome is characterized by

Answer: exhaustion

Question: learned helplessness is likely to promote...

Answer: pessimism

Question: people who attend weekly religious services are more likely to

Answer: have a physically healthy lifestyle

Question: compared to those with an external locus of control, people who perceive an internal locus of control are more likely to...

Answer: cope effectively with stress

Question: walter cannon observed that a variety of stressors trigger...

Answer: the fight or flight response

Question: walter cannon discovered that emotion-arousing incidents trigger an outpouring of ________ from the adrenal glands.

Answer: stress hormones

Question: immune system cells that pursue and destroy diseased body cells infected by cancer are called

Answer: NK cells

Question: In one study, a sugar sweetened drink reduced participants financial impulsiveness by increasing their

Answer: self-control energy

Question: Dental students healed more slowly from punch wounds received 3 days prior to a major exam than from punch wounds received during their summer vacation. This is explained by the students temporarily reduced levels of....

Answer: lymphocytes

Question: Feeling liked and encouraged by intimate friends has been found to promote

Answer: stronger immune functioning

Question: A belief in free will is most likely to be associated with...

Answer: an internal locus of control

Question: During the first few weeks of school, students were observed to have stonger immune systems if they....

Answer: were optimistic

Question: the passive resignation that accompanies and inability to avoid repeated aversive events is called

Answer: learned helplessness

Question: compared with women, men are more likely to respond to stress with....

Answer: social withdrawl

Question: Trying to eliminate the source of stress or reduce it's impact through direct actions

Answer: Problem - focused coping

Question: Changing our emotional reaction to the stressor

Answer: emotion-focused coping

Question: Coping success depends on 4 main factors...

Answer: personal control, optimistic outlook, social support, and finding meaning in life

Question: Helps us experience less stress and thus improve our health

Answer: coping

Question: The chronic physical stress reaction

Answer: General adaptation syndrome (GAS)

Question: Sely's concept of the body's adaptive response to stress in 3 stages: GAS

Answer: Alarm reactionResistanceExhaustion

Question: A source of stress where we experience being pulled toward or drawn to two or more desires or goals, only one of which may be attained.

Answer: Conflict

Question: Choices in ones life can cause stress. Pros and cons of each possible choice must be debated in the mind

Answer: Conflict

Question: Stress

Answer: process of appraising an event as threatening or challenging and responding to it.

Question: 3 main types of stressors

Answer: catastrophies, significant life changes, Daily Hassels

Question: self perceived happiness or satisfaction with life. Used with measures of objective well being to judge our quality of life.

Answer: Subjective well-being

Question: our tendency to form judgment (of sounds, of lights, of income) relative to a neutral level defined by our past experiences.

Answer: Adaptation-level phenomenon

Question: the perception that we are worse off relative to those whom we compare ourselves.

Answer: Relative deprivation

Question: research on the faith factor has found that...

Answer: religiously active people tent to outlive those who are not religiously active.

Question: Happy people are most likely to....

Answer: help others

Question: After moving to a new apartment, you find the street noise irritatingly loud, but after a while, it no longer bothers you. This reaction illustrates the...

Answer: adaptation-level phenomenon

Question: we cannot escape envy, because there will always be someone more successful, more accomplished or richer than we.

Answer: Relative deprivation principle

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