Effective Scrum Master Apply Which Coaching Behavior

Question: What are the three pillars of scrum?

Answer: Transparency, inspection, adaptation

Question: There are two key elements of a Lean-Agile Mindset: Lean thinking and what else?

Answer: Embracing Agility

Question: What are two critical areas that differentiate Agile from waterfall development?

Answer: 1. Incremental Development. 2. Early and continous value delivery.

Question: What is the recommended duration of an iteration in SAFe?

Answer: 2 week iterations

Question: What is the recommended frequency of PI Planning in SAFe?

Answer: Every 8 to 12 weeks

Question: During PI Planning, who owns the planning of Stories into iterations?

Answer: Agile Teams

Question: In SAFe, which actiivity is a Scrum Master's responsibility?

Answer: Promotes SAFe quality practices. Supports SAFe adoption.

Question: What is one responsibility of a SAFe Scrum Master?

Answer: Facilitating an effective team breakout session during the PI Planning.

Question: Which meeting should the Scrum Master attend (not facilitate)?

Answer: Scrum of scrums

Question: The skills of a good Scrum Master include which three attributes?

Answer: Communicate, Coordinate, Cooperate

Question: An effective Scrum Master is a team-based servant leader who helps the team do what?

Answer: Embrace relentless improvement through iteration retrospectives

Question: How does an effective Scrum Master help the team improve on their journey towards technical excellence?

Answer: By focusing on the importance of Built-in Quality

Question: Which statement is true about scrum?

Answer: Scrum is built on transparency, inspection, and adaption.

Question: When does the Plan-Do-Check Adjust cycle occur in Scrum?

Answer: Within the iteration cycle (ongoing)

Question: What is the main reason why some teams never reach Stage 4 (Performing) in the stages of high performing teams?

Answer: lack in one or more of the 4 C's: Commitment, Cooperation, Communication, and Contribution.

Question: Effective Scrum Masters apply which coaching behavior?

Answer: They encourage the team to learn from their mistakes.

Question: What is one example of a servant leader behavior pattern?

Answer: Understands and empathizes with others

Question: What are two good Scrum Master facilitation practices? (choose two)

Answer: Ensure all voices are heard. Create an environment of safety so that everyone feels comfortable contributing to the dicussion.

Question: Good coaches do not give people the answer, but instead they do what?

Answer: They guide people to the solution.

Question: Becoming a coach requires a shift from old behaviors to new ones. What are three examples of old behaviors?

Answer: 1. Fixing problems for the team. 2. Focusing on deadlines. 3. Driving toward specific outcomes.

Question: Which statement is true about teams?

Answer: Teams are more productive than the same number of individuals.

Question: According to the Five Dysfunctions of a Team, what is a team's ultimate competitive advantage?

Answer: Teamwork is the ultimate competitive advantage

Question: What is the basis for most team conflicts?

Answer: Assumptions that have not been discussed

Question: Cadence and what other critical concept are the key constructs to delivering continuous value?

Answer: synchronization

Question: Features lead temselves to the Lean UX process model. They include a description, a benefit hypothesis, and what else?

Answer: Acceptance critieria

Question: Participating in PI Planning enables teams to gain alignment and commitment around a clear set of what?

Answer: PI objectives

Question: The program board highlights Feature delivery dates, Milestones, and what else for teams on the Agile Release Train?

Answer: Significant Dependency

Question: Each PI Planning meeting evloves over time, and ending PI Planning with a retrospective will help to do what?

Answer: Continuously improve the event

Question: The business must depend on the team for what in order to do any meaningful planning?

Answer: Commitment to the plan

Question: What are two common PI Plannining anti-patterns?

Answer: 1. Srum Masters who work with multiple teams do not have time for their teams. 2. Too much time is spent analyzing each story.

Question: During PI Planning, which two task are part of the Scrum Master's role in the first team breakout? (choose two)

Answer: 1. Ensure the team has a draft plan to present. 2. Identify as many risk and dependencies as possible for the management review. 3. Secure subject matter experts and program stakeholders as needed by the team. 4. Facilitate the coordination with other team for dependecies

Question: Who commits to the iteration goals at the end of iteration planning?

Answer: The team

Question: What is the name of the event where all team members determine how much of a team's backlog they can commit to delivering during an upcoming iteration?

Answer: Iteration planning

Question: Which type of Enabler does a System Architect review during a System Demo?

Answer: Enabler Features

Question: Why do teams have iteration retrospective?

Answer: To adjust and identify way to improve

Question: Who can change the backlog during an interation?

Answer: Agile team and Product Owner

Question: Who is responsible for prioritizing the iteration backlog?

Answer: Product owner

Question: What is the statement describing? "Agile teams continously adapt to the new circumstances and enhance the methods of value delivery."

Answer: Continous improvement

Question: What is the purpose of the Plan-Do-Check-Adjust cycle as applied to iterations?

Answer: To provide a regular, pedictable development cadence to produce an increment of value

Question: Which three attributes summarize DevOps?

Answer: Mindset, a culture, and set of technical practices

Question: In SAFe, who owns the decision for releasing changes into production?

Answer: Product Manager

Question: What are two anti-patterns for the (innovation & planning) IP Iteration?

Answer: 1. Planning work for the (innovation & planning) IP Iteration in the (product iteration) PI Planning. 2. Leaving testing or bug fixing to the IP Iteration. 3. Leaving integration of the whole system to the IP Iteration.

Question: Which demo is performed in the (innovation & planning) IP Iteration?

Answer: The PI System Demo

Question: What is one time a Scrum Master may be a participant rather than a facilitator?

Answer: When using adhoc teams for inspect and adapt

Question: How are the 5 Whys used?

Answer: To identify a root cause(s) of a problem

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