The First Nutrient To Be Chemically Digested Is

Question: first nutrient to be chemically digested in the body

Answer: starch

Question: teeth adapted for tearing food

Answer: canine

Question: sphincter to control the rate of food leaves the stomach

Answer: pyloric

Question: enzyme to break down carbohydrates and starches

Answer: amylase

Question: muscular contractions to propel food from one organ to the next

Answer: peristalsis

Question: emulsifier to aid in the digestion of lipids

Answer: bile

Question: forms if part of the stomach wall digests itself

Answer: ulcer

Question: part of the large intestine found on the right side of the body

Answer: ascending colon

Question: teeth adapted for grinding food

Answer: molars

Question: salivary gland inflamed when one gets the mumps

Answer: parotid gland

Question: molecules that served as readily available energy for the body

Answer: glucose

Question: enzyme to break down lactose in dairy products

Answer: lactose

Question: the building blocks of protiens

Answer: amino acids

Question: opening at the terminal end of the large intestines

Answer: anus

Question: primary fuction is absorption of nutrients

Answer: small intestine

Question: watery stool resulting when food residue passed through the large intestine too quickly for water to absorb

Answer: diahrrea

Question: enzyme to break down lipids, produced by the pancreas

Answer: lipase

Question: part of the alimentary canal where no digestion or absorption takes place

Answer: esophagus

Question: site of HCl and pepsinogen

Answer: stomach

Question: cells which produce hydrochloric acid in the stomach

Answer: parietal cells

Question: saliva is important in _____ digestion

Answer: chemical

Question: fingerlike projections of the small intestine important for nutrient absorption

Answer: villi

Question: sphincter at the distal end of the esophagus, damaged during heartburn

Answer: cardioesophageal

Question: process by which larger molecules are built from smaller ones

Answer: anabolism

Question: where bile is stored

Answer: gall bladder

Question: site where small intestine and large intestine join together

Answer: ileocecal valve

Question: chemical digestion breaking larger molecules into simpler compounds

Answer: catabolism

Question: last subdivision of the small intestine

Answer: ileum

Question: middle section of the small intestine

Answer: jejunum

Question: where bile is produced

Answer: liver

Question: enzyme produced in the stomach to break down proteins

Answer: pepsinogen

Question: another name for the alimentary canal

Answer: gastrointestinal tract

Question: name for soft, partially digested mixture in the stomach

Answer: chyme

Question: where water is absorbed in the alimentary canal

Answer: large intestine

Question: produces enzymes to break down all food groups

Answer: pancreas

Question: beginning of carbohydrate/starch digestion

Answer: mouth

Question: site where bile and pancreatic jucies enter alimentary canal

Answer: duodenum

Question: part of the large intestine becomes inflamed, pain on the lower right side of the abdomen

Answer: appendicitis

Question: common passageway for food and air

Answer: pharynx

Question: beginning of the large intestine, site of the appendix

Answer: cecum

Question: anterior chisel shaped teeth for cutting

Answer: incisors

Question: things found in the stomach

Answer: chyme, gastric juices, chief cells, parietal cells, mucous neck cells

Question: functions of pancreas

Answer: produces enzymes that break down all food groups. produce hormones insulin and glucagon. pancreatic juice very alkaline.

Question: layers of the alimentary canal tunics in order

Answer: mucosa, submucosa, musclaris externa, serosa

Question: 6 major processes involved in the digestive system

Answer: ingestion, propulsion, mechanical digestion, chemical digestion, absorption, defecation

Question: role of liver

Answer: produces bile, breaks up large fat particles

Question: modifications the small intestine possess to increase nutrient absorption

Answer: microvilli, villi, plicae circulares

Question: what is the dental formula for humans

Answer: 2123

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