A Report Of Deposits Withdrawals And Bank Balances

Question: bank statement

Answer: A report of deposits, withdrawals, and bank balances sent to a depositor by a bank.

Question: debit card

Answer: A bank card that automatically deducts the amount of a purchase from the checking account of the cardholder.

Question: cash short

Answer: A petty cash on hand amount that is less than the recorded amount.

Question: voided check

Answer: A check that cannot be processed because the maker has made it invalid.

Question: postdated check

Answer: A check with a future date on it

Question: cash over

Answer: A petty cash on hand amount that is more than the recorded amount.

Question: checking account

Answer: A bank account from which payments can be ordered by a depositor.

Question: endorsement

Answer: A signature or stamp on the back of a check transferring ownership.

Question: petty cash slip

Answer: A form showing proof of a petty cash payment

Question: accounting clerk

Answer: An accounting worker who processes routine details about accounting transactions.

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