An Opsec Indicator Is Defined As


a process that is a systematic method used to identify, control, and protect critical information

understanding that protection of sensitive unclassified information is:

the responsibility of al persons, including civilians and contractors

OPSC planning should focus on:

identifying and protecting critical information

an OPSEC indicator is defined as:

friendly detectable actions and open-source information that can be interpreted or pieced together by an adversary to derive critical information

OPSEC is concerned with:

identifying, controlling, and protecting unclassified information that is associated with specific military operations and activities

the joint COMSEC monitoring activity provides OPSEC assistance by:

monitoring unclassified government telephones and monitoring NIPR email traffic

the identification of critical information is a key part of the OPSEC process because:

it focuses the remainder of the OPSEC process on protecting vital information rather that attempting to protect all unclassified information

all EUCOM personal must know the difference between:

OPSEC and traditional security programs

OPSEC as a capability of information operations

denies the adversary the information needed to correctly assess friendly capabilities and intentions

what action should a member take if it is believed that an OPSEC disclosure has occurred?

report the OPSEC disclosure to your OPSEC representative or the EUCOM OPSEC PM

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