Identify The General Location Of The Zygomatic Arch.

Identify the general location of the zygomatic arch.

cheek. The zygomatic arch is a bony bridge formed between the zygomatic and temporal bones. It contributes to the prominence of the cheek.

Identify the 2 bones that make up the zygomatic arch.

Zygomatic bone and temporal bone. The temporal process of the zygomatic bone and the zygomatic process of the temporal bone fuse to form the zygomatic arch.

Identify the region on the temporal bone that forms much of the zygomatic arch.

Zygomatic process. The zygomatic process is the name of the elongated projection that extends out from the temporal bone reaching towards the zygomatic bone, forming most of the zygomatic arch.

Identify the region on the zygomatic bone that forms part of the zygomatic arch.

Temporal process. The temporal process of the zygomatic bone is a small bony projection that extends posteriorly to fuse with the zygomatic process of the temporal bone, forming the zygomatic arch.

Which of the following categories is the best fit for the zygomatic arch?

Facial. Although the zygomatic bone is a facial bone and the temporal bone is a cranial bone, the zygomatic arch is best described as a facial structure.

Identify the location of the occipital bone.

Posterior surface and base of the cranium. The occipital bone makes up the posterior part of the cranium

Name the opening in the occipital bone through which the spinal cord passes.

Foramen magnum. The foramen magnum is the opening through which the spinal cord passes.

Identify the area of the occipital bone that articulates with the vertebral column.

Occipital condyles. The occipital condyles are found on the inferior surface of the skull on either side of foramen magnum. They articulate with the first cervical vertebra, the atlas. This articulation allows us to flex and extend the skull in a nodding "yes" motion.

Identify the occipital bone landmark that can not be palpated from the surface of the head.

The occipital condyles are found on either side of foramen magnum. They articulate with the atlas and can't be palpated on the head or neck.

Identify the large suture on the posterior surface of the skull at the border of the occipital bone.

The lambdoid suture is found between the occipital bone and the parietal and temporal bones.

Which of the following bones is not a facial bone?
Inferior nasal concha

The ethmoid bone forms the area of the cranium between the nasal cavity and the orbits

Which of the following facial bones contain a sinus?
Inferior nasal concha

The maxillary bones contain the maxillary sinuses. They are the largest sinuses, located laterally to the nasal cavity in the region of the cheek.

Which facial bones makeup the central portion of the bridge of the nose?

Nasal. The 2 tombstone shaped nasal bones are found above the nasal cavity. They form a continuous bony bridge that connects the 2 sides of the face.
Part D

What is the anatomical name for the facial bones known as "cheekbones"?

Zygomatic bones. The zygomatic bones are known as the cheekbones. Together, the zygomatic bone and the temporal bone form the zygomatic arch. This region is the bony foundation of the facial prominence known as the cheek.

Which facial bones fuse to form the upper jaw?

The fused maxillary bones are known as the maxilla, and form the upper jaw and part of the palate.

Identify the small facial bones found in the medial wall of the orbit.

The lacrimal bone along with the sphenoid, ethmoid, and frontal bones make up the medial wall of the orbit.

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