In Recent Years Transparency Has Been The Most Important

When people are credible, they have a reputation for being _________.


Which of the following best describes trust in the workplace?

a resource that can be created

In business, it is important to establish your _____ from your first day on the job.


The many major business scandals in the early twenty-first century have impacted the American public in which of the following ways?

There has been a significant decrease in trust in businesses.

True or false: Over 70% of business employees trust their senior management and believe that their company leaders act with honesty and integrity

Reason: Several surveys show that only about one-half of employees trust senior management and that only about one-third believe that their leaders act with honesty and integrity.

Having good credibility implies which of the following qualities? (Choose all that apply.)

ensuring promises are fulfilled
being honorable and reliable
having strong ethical values

Global cheating culture refers to...

the widespread cheating that takes place in schools.

Credibility and trust can improve which of the following? (Choose all that apply.)

business communications
leadership ability
business relationships

When given a set of hypothetical ethical dilemmas, MBA students scored as high on unethical behavior as...

convicts in prison.

Which of the following questions should you consider when preparing to communicate with customers or colleagues?

Is trustworthiness or credibility key to the way I work?

How does the public view businesses in the post-trust era?

as working against the best interests of the public

Which of the following statements about trust in businesses and business executives in the early twenty-first century is true?

Americans have historic low rates of trust of both businesses and business executives.

Simon worked in management at a large technology company that became embroiled in a scandal in which many managers were implicated. Simon was cleared of any wrongdoing, but the company was shut down and all employees were laid off. Simon was hired at a rival company, but his new colleagues did not give him a warm welcome. Which of the following must Simon do to create a good working environment?

Simon must establish credibility.

According to most surveys, what are ways in which employees tend to feel about their companies? (Select all that apply.)

Many believe their company leaders do not act with honesty and integrity.
Nearly half do not trust senior management.

Meg Whitman, former CEO of HP, stated that early in her career she gained credibility and displayed competence by her focus on...

creating a successful track record.

Which of the following statements about the cheating culture is true?

Many students believe Internet plagiarism is not a serious offense.

People can develop competence by finding discipline-related

real-world experience.

According to anonymous surveys, a majority of graduate students in education, medicine, law, and business did which of the following to gain admittance to their programs?


In business, a focus on action implies that a person will

take advantage of opportunities.

The majority of employees view their leaders and colleagues ______ in the post-trust era.


Which of the following factors impact a business executive's credibility? (Select all that apply.)

being caring

Which of the following are gained by business leaders by when they recognize and show concern for others' needs?


Most people will judge a person's competence based on the person's

previous accomplishments.

Which of the following happens in a team when team members use the phrase "our needs" is used instead of "my needs"?

solutions are developed that help everyone

What are methods by which people can develop competence? (Choose all that apply.)


Most business leaders believe that their primary responsibilities to their employees include which of the following?


The statement "You must identify a goal with a measurable outcome, and you must hit that goal—every month, every day, every year" best describes which of the following?

an emphasis on results

Which of the following are benefits of having many givers in a business?

greater profitability
less employee turnover
increased productivity

A perception that someone does not care about others will lead people to ______ them.


Effective communicators gain trust by seeking to understand others'


True or false: When you are known for failing to live up to your promises to stakeholders, you have a reputation for good character.


You can create a sense of trust in others by adopting which of the following orientations?


Today's effective business leaders have generally gained their positions because they

valued teamwork.
had a sense of community.

Which of the following are examples of good business ethics?

following the law
ensuring proprietary information remains safe

Which of the following is a characteristic of takers in business?

They do not return favors done by colleagues.

In recent years transparency has been the most important

business ethic.

Generosity towards others is an example of ______ in the business world.


When civil servants share relevant information and decision rationale with stakeholders, they engage in


Having good character implies that one has ______ values.

high moral and ethical

To build trust within an organization, decision making must be

based on a collective conscience.

Willingness to exchange information is an example of trait based on


The moral principles that steer the behavior of a group or an individual are known as


You have observed what you think may be unethical behavior in the workplace. Which of the following are ways to speak up constructively?

"If this is accepted, why is there a company policy against it?"

"If this is expected, will we feel comfortable being public about it?"

True or false: In corporate communications, the principal business ethic today is brevity.


An organization's code of conduct is a(n)

written code of ethics.

When acting with transparency, a company executive provides stakeholders with which of the following?

financial figures from the business
basic facts about the business
business process information

Assuming that a corporation has good values, which of the following statements about the alignment of personal values and corporate values are true?

Matching personal values with corporate values is a key element of character.
If personal values are not in alignment with corporate values, a lack of integrity is possible.

In business situations where law and ethical principles do not provide a clear answer, ______ is crucial.


Conducting business with ______ helps forge character and maximize competencies.

complete honesty

Which of the following are traits that are based on good character?

ethical behavior
willingness to exchange information

In business, dishonesty on financial performance is likely to lead to


Why might business professionals fail to speak up after observing unethical behavior in their company?

They feel they should remain loyal to the company.
They believe the behavior is standard practice.

True or false: Minor acts of dishonesty and slight deviations from the truth are harmless and should be encouraged in business.


What are corporate values defined as?

the stated and lived values of a company

What are reasons a company might ask for confidentiality agreements from its employees?

to protect intellectual property
because of copyright law

Sydney just started working in the marketing department for a major tobacco company. In her spare time she participates on anti-smoking campaigns. Which of the following statements about her personal values is true?

Her personal values do not align with the corporate values of her work.

A feeling of ______ indicates an obligation to meet the needs and desires of others.


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