Perfectionism Apush Definition

William L. Garrison

An abolitionist who wrote The Liberator, suggesting that American slavery faced enemies both within and outside the South.


Saw both individuals and society at largess capable of indefinite improvement.

Immediate Emancipation

A radical approach to slavery. An antislavery movement.

Second Great Awakening

Religious revival movement of the early decades of the nineteenth century, in reaction to the growth of secularism and rationalist religion; began the predominance of the Baptist and Methodist churches.

Pro-slavery Arguments

Between 1830-1960 Southern States started composing several proslavery arguments. They argued that southern slaves were treated better that "wage slaves" of the north because they were clothed, fed. In addition, members of the southern clergy argued that slavery was not only compatible wth Christianity but also was adequate for practicing the Christian religion. Eventually the south's arguments held no water and the abolition of slavery came under President Abraham Lincoln.

Positive Good/Necessary Evil

The positive good theory is the idea that slavery was not, actually a "necessary evil," as Jefferson would describe it, but "a good-a positive good" institution for both blacks and whites in that whites get cheap manual labor and blacks benefit from the civilizing effect of being under the guidance of benevolent whites, and exposure to Christianity.

Seneca Falls Convention

First women's rights meeting and the genesis of the women's suffrage movement; held in July 1848 in a church in Seneca Falls, New York, organized by Elizabeth Cady Stanton and Lucretia Coffin Mott.

Cult of Domesticity

Evolved from the early ideology of "republican motherhood," which allowed women a kind of public role as mothers of future citizens.

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