The Early Stages Of The Core-Periphery Model Describe The

primary sector

Coal mining belongs in which sector?

Doesn't explain how some countries move from periphery to core

Which of the following is a weakness of Wallerstein?


Which type of transportation has a high route flexibility?


Clustering of businesses (medical, tech, etc) is an example of...

Production moves to low-cost locations

When the economy globalizes

literacy rates

Countries with a higher Per Capita Income also have high...

-High Total Fertility Rate (TFR)
-Early DTM Stages
-Rapid growth

Which of the following would you find in an LDC?

relationship of power and the transfer of resources from LDCs to MDC

The early stages of the core-periphery model describe the

wage rates for women are much lower than for men

Outsourced industrial production in less-developed countries often relies on female labor because

The New York-Washington, D.C., area

Political geographers consider which of the following as the core area of the United States?

expanding the importance of express package delivery systems

The Internet is reshaping traditional economic arrangements by

Doesn't lead to sustainability b/c workers don't make living wage

Which best explains the relationship between global ecotourism and economic sustainability at the local scale?


The largest concentration of LDCs in the world can be found in...

outlines a supranational governing body for North America

Which of the following statements about NAFTA is NOT true?

Costa Rican National Parks

One example of ecotourism is...

Because of the interconnected global financial system

Why did the 2008 US debt crisis trigger a global economic crisis?

Can be placed at any location

A footloose industry

Start small businesses and end poverty

How do microfinance loans contribute to the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals?

-decent standard of living
-long and healthy life
-access to knowledge

What is the Human Development Index (HDI) based off of?

-primary sector: directly extract materials from earth
-secondary sector: manufacturing of products
-tertiary sector: supplying of goods and services
-quaternary sector: concerned with the collection, processing and manipulation of data and capital (finance, insurance, teachers etc)
-quinary sector: service sector industries that require a high level of specialized knowledge skill (CEOs, post secondary professor, researcher etc)

List and explain what the 5 types of economic sectors are.

-traditional society: limited technology; high levels of subsistence agriculture
-preconditions for take-off: commercial agriculture and extraction industries (like mining); some growth in savings and investment
-take off: number of employed people in agriculture declines; increasing industrialization and the development of a manufacturing sector.
-drive to maturity: Development of wider industrial and commercial base; more technology used.
-high-mass consumption: Mass consumption of consumer goods; high employment in service sector.

Describe Rostow's 5 stages of growth

-too simplistic
-necessity of financial infrastructure to channel any savings that are made into investment

Which of the following is a weakness of Rostow?

-core: dominates and generates more wealth in the global economy; high income, use of technology and levels of education
-semi-periphery: increased economic development; serves as a buffer between core and periphery countries
-periphery: dependent on core markets for raw materials and sources of technology; low income, use of technology and levels of education

Describe the three parts of Wallerstein's World System Analysis

political and economic relationships between nationals and regions limit the development of the less developed areas

What is the dependency theory?

-Transportation (most important)

According to Alfred Weber, what are the three major factors that determine the location of manufacturing?

Inputs weigh more than the final product, so the factory is located near raw materials aka inputs. An example is paper production.

Explain what a bulk-reducing industry is. Provide an example.

The final product weighs more than inputs, so the factory is located near the market. An example is automobile production.

Explain what a bulk-gaining industry is. Provide an example.


A region of many high tech businesses (agglomeration) EX: Silicon Valley, CA


The "unclumping" of similar businesses due to overcrowding.

-costs associated with the established transportation networks accessible from a specific place.
-costs resulting from the unique characteristics of a location.

What are situation factors? What are site factors?



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