Why Do Less Active Americans Not Increase Their Activity Levels

Physical fitness attitude can affect a person's level of physical activity.


Why do less active Americans not increase their activity levels?

There are many reasons why less active Americans do not increase their activity levels. Some reasons include not having the time or motivation, not having access to fitness facilities, having too many family responsibilities, and being satisfied with current levels of activity.

Describe the purpose and use of the talk test.

The talk test is used to measure moderate-intensity activities. If a person can talk during an activity, but cannot sing, they are engaged in moderate-intensity activity. If they cannot talk, they are doing a higher-level intensity activity. If they can sing, they are doing a low-intensity activity.

In general, the more physical activity individuals do, __________.
A. the more intense the exercise needs to be
B. the more money they will save on dieting
C. the more television they will be able to watch
D. the more benefit they will receive from exercise


Our personal opinion or feeling towards something is called a(n) __________.
A. engagement
B. confidence
C. emotion
D. attitude


The talk test can be used to measure the __________.
A. knowledge of an activity
B. intensity of an activity
C. length of an activity
D. cost of an activity


Risks for chronic disease can be reduced by participating in moderate physical activity for a minimum of ______.
A. 20 minutes a day, every day of the week
B. 30 minutes a day, every day of the week
C. 20 minutes a day, two days out of the week
D. 30 minutes a day, most days of the week


Physical activity must be strenuous to be effective.


William is interested in exercising more, but does not feel he has the time. Write a short response explaining how he can find the time to exercise.

The talk test is used to measure moderate-intensity activities. If a person can talk during an activity, but cannot sing, they are engaged in moderate-intensity activity. If they cannot talk, they are doing a higher-level intensity activity. If they can sing, they are doing a low-intensity activity.

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