All Of The Following Decrease The Risk Of Osteoporosis Except

Question: The following minerals all compete with each other for absorption EXCEPT:

  1. zinc.

  2. B. calcium.

  3. C. copper.

  4. D. sodium.

  5. Answer: sodium.

  6. Question: The most abundant mineral in the body is:

  7. Answer: Calcium

  8. Question:

  9. Answer: If dietary calcium is low, bone calcium is sacrificed to maintain blood calcium.

  10. Question: The recommended intake of calcium for adults is __________ mgs/day.

  11. Answer: 1000-1200

  12. Question: Which of the following compounds has NOT been found to interfere with mineral absorption?

  13. A. Phytates

  14. B. Tannins

  15. C. Ascorbic acid

  16. D. Oxalates

  17. Answer: Ascorbic acid

  18. Question: Which of the following is NOT likely to result from prolonged low calcium intake?

  19. A. Development of osteomalacia

  20. B. Fractures in the elderly

  21. C. Problems with cell signaling and regulation

  22. D. A lower peak bone mass in young adult females

  23. Answer: Problems with cell signaling and regulation

  24. Question: The matrix of bones is:

  25. A. a protein framework.

  26. B. made up primarily of collagen.

  27. C. imbedded with hydroxyapatite.

  28. D. All of these are correct.

  29. Answer: All of these are correct.(Bones)

  30. Question: After 35 to 45 years of age:

  31. Answer: bone breakdown exceeds bone formation.

  32. Question: Peak bone mass in women is typically achieved in:

  33. Answer: early adulthood.

  34. Question: Significant loss of bone mass and increased risk of fractures associated with aging is termed:

  35. Answer: osteoporosis

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