All Of The Following Events Contributed To The Sectional Crisis

Question: All of the following events contributed to the sectional crisis, but which of these events

occurred first?

  1. Haitian Revolution

  2. b. Kansas-Nebraska Act

  3. c. Missouri Crisis

  4. d. Raid on Harper’s Ferry

  5. Answer: A

  6. Question:

  7. Answer: C

  8. Question: The Missouri Compromise did all of the following EXCEPT

  9. a. Admit Maine as a free state

  10. b. Admit Missouri as a slave state

  11. c. Establish the 36° 30′ dividing line for future state admissions

  12. d. Propose popular sovereignty as the determination of whether states would have

  13. Slavery

  14. Answer: D

  15. Question:

  16. Answer: A

  17. Question:

  18. Answer: D

  19. Question: Which of the following mounted the longest and most successful challenge to the power of

  20. the Democratic Party?

  21. a. Whig Party

  22. b. Know-Nothing Party

  23. c. Free Soil Party

  24. d. Liberty Party

  25. Answer: A

  26. Question: Which of the following best describes the goals of the Liberty Party?

  27. a. Fund internal improvements

  28. b. Gain new territory for the United States in the West

  29. c. End the slave trade and halt the expansion of slavery

  30. d. Reinstate the Bank of the United States

  31. Answer: C

  32. Question:

  33. Answer: A

  34. Question:

  35. Answer: B

  36. Question: All of the following are true about Uncle Tom’s Cabin EXCEPT

  37. a. It was the most widely purchased book in the nineteenth century

  38. b. Helped to move antislavery into public conversation in the North

  39. c. Reinforced many racist stereotypes

  40. d. Was written by a woman

  41. Answer: A

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