All Of The Following Involve Molecular Biology Techniques Except

Question: The most recent techniques developed in the biological sciences allow the manipulation of DNA with the ultimate goal of intervening directly with the _______ fate of organisms.

  1. genetic

  2. B. developmental

  3. C. adult

  4. D. mitotic

  5. Answer: A

  6. Question: Small circular, extrachromosomal DNA segments are known as _______.

  7. A. vectors

  8. B. plasmids

  9. C. clones

  10. D. RNA

  11. Answer: B

  12. Question: Enzymes that cleave DNA at specific sites are called _____________.

  13. A. vectors

  14. B. peptidases

  15. C. restriction endonucleases

  16. D. DNAses

  17. Answer: C

  18. Question: . Single-stranded complementary tails that are produced by restriction digestion are called ______ ends.

  19. A. sticky

  20. B. orphaned

  21. C. vectors

  22. D. 5’

  23. Answer: A

  24. Question: Bacterial plasmids and artificial chromosomes are used as ______ to insert foreign DNA into host cells and create recombinant genomes.

  25. A. clones

  26. B. vectors

  27. C. endonucleases

  28. D. subunits

  29. Answer: B

  30. Question: Gel ________ is a process that separates DNA or protein fragments according to their size, by causing them to migrate within a gel in response to an electric field.

  31. A. duplication

  32. B. blotting

  33. C. electrophoresis

  34. D. migration

  35. Answer: C

  36. Question: . The _________ from Agrobacterium tumefaciens is used in genetic engineering involving crop plant genes.

  37. A. restriction endonucleases

  38. B. DNA

  39. C. Ti vector

  40. D. Ti plasmid

  41. Answer: D

  42. Question: A ______ vaccine is produced by using only the non-infectious part of the viral genome.

  43. A. immunization

  44. B. subunit

  45. C. bacterial

  46. D. prokaryotic

  47. Answer: B

  48. Question:

  49. Answer: A

  50. Question:

  51. Answer: A

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