All Of The Following Movements Cause Carpal Tunnel Syndrome Except

Question: Fatigue can be prevented through:

  1. bad health

  2. b. lack of sleep

  3. c. poor hygiene

  4. d. rest and relaxation

  5. Answer: Rest and relaxation

  6. p. 23 CF

  7. Fatigue can be prevented through rest and relaxation.

  8. Question: How many hours of sleep are required for most people to function properly and avoid fatigue?

  9. a. 1 to 2 hours

  10. b. 3 to 4 hours

  11. c. 6 to 8 hours

  12. d. 9 to 12 hours

  13. Answer: 6 to 8 hours

  14. p. 23 CF

  15. Most people need six to eight hours of sleep or they become fatigued and cannot function properly.

  16. Question: Which of the following activities helps stimulate blood circulation in the body?

  17. a. exercise

  18. b. watching TV

  19. c. reading a book

  20. d. listening to music

  21. Answer: exercise

  22. Exercise helps stimulate the blood circulation in your body and encourages proper functioning of the organs.

  23. Question: Personal and professional well-being and providing prevention for certain diseases are benefits of:

  24. a. a balanced diet

  25. b. proper oral hygiene

  26. c. good human relations

  27. d. practicing verbal communication

  28. Answer: a balanced diet

  29. A balanced diet will benefit personal and professional well-being and prevent certain diseases.

  30. Question: The body uses energy from calories in all of the following ways EXCEPT to:

  31. a. heat itself

  32. b. build its structure

  33. c. move itself during exercise and activities

  34. d. relieve neck and back pain

  35. Answer: relive neck and back pain

  36. The body uses the energy from calories to heat itself, build its structures and to move its parts during exercise and activities.

  37. Question: The term that describes the appropriate nutrient intake for an adequate diet from an array of foods is known as:

  38. a. Required Daily Allowances

  39. b. Required Dietary Allotments

  40. c. Recommended Daily Allowances

  41. d. Recommended Dietary Allowances

  42. Answer: recommended dietary allowances

  43. The term, Recommended Dietary Allowances, refers to the appropriate nutrient intakes to help people select an adequate diet from an array of foods.

  44. Question: Health hazards, such as impure air, improper storage and use of food, fall under the category of:

  45. a. oral hygiene

  46. b. public hygiene

  47. c. personal hygiene

  48. d. personal grooming

  49. Answer: Impure air from poor ventilation, improper storage or use of food are primary health hazards pertaining to public hygiene.

  50. Question: What is halitosis?

  51. a. bad posture

  52. b. good posture

  53. c. bad breath

  54. d. body odor

  55. Answer: Bad breath is referred to as halitosis.

  56. Question: When applying makeup, contouring with light colors will usually have what effect on the face?

  57. a. narrowing

  58. b. broadening

  59. c. highlighting

  60. d. moisturizing

  61. Answer: When applying makeup, contouring with light colors will have a broadening effect on the face.

  62. Question: Which type of makeup application will create a narrow appearance of the face?

  63. a. applying makeup lightly

  64. b. applying makeup heavily

  65. c. contouring with dark colors

  66. d. contouring with light colors

  67. Answer: Contouring with dark colors during a makeup application will create a narrow appearance of the face

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